In many, many languages the name for Saturday is some forth of "Sabbath".
It has not changed
It has not changed
with the seventh day as the Sabbath / Rest.
Hebrew Bible Yom Ha Shabbath or Day of the Sabbath
Hebrew (ancient and modern) Shabbath or Sabbath
Targum of Onkelos (Hebrew literature) Yom Shviaa or Day Seventh AND Sabbath or Sabbath
Kurdistan Jews (Targum dialect) Yoymet Shabbat Kodesh or Holy Sabbath Day
Ancient Syriac Shabbatho or Sabbath
Chaldee Syriac (Kurdistan; Urumia, Persia) Shapta or Sabbath
Samaritan (Nablas, Palestine) (use old Hebrew letters) Yoma Hasheviah or Day the Seventh AND Shabbath or Sabbath
Babylonian (Euphrates and Tigris Valleys, Mesopotamia) Sabatu or Sabbath
Assyrian (Euphrates & Tigris Valleys, Mesopotamia) Sabatu or Sabbath
Arabic (very old names) Shiyar or Chief or Rejoicing Day
Arabic (ancient and modern; W. Asia, E, W & N Africa) Assabt or The Sabbath
Maltese (Malta) Issibt or Sabbath
Tigre (Abyssinia) Sanbat or Sabbath
Amharic (Abyssinia) Sanbat or Sabbath
Falasha (Jews of Abyssinia) Yini Sanbat or The Sabbat
Coptic (Egypt; a dead language for 300 years) Pi Sabbaton or The Sabbath
Orma or Galla (south of Abyssinia) Zambada or Sabbath
Tamashek or Towarek (ancient Libyan or Numidian) Ahal Essabt or The Sabbath Day
Kabyle or Berber (Ancient Numidian; N Africa) Ghas or Sabbath Day
Hausa (Central Africa) Aseebatu or The Sabbath
Sanscrit (India) Shanivar or Saturn-day
Hindi (India) Shumiwar or Saturn-day
Pali (India) Sanivaro or Saturn-day
Urdu or Hindustani (Islamic and Hindu, India) Shamba or Sabbath; And Sanichar or Saturn
Pashto or Afghan (Afghanistan) Khali or Unemployed day; And Shamba or Holiday, Sabbath
Pahlavi or Pahlavi-Pazand (Ancient Persian) Kevan or Saturn; And Shambid or Fragrance
- The pleasantest day of the week; And Dies Sabbati or Sabbath
Persian (Persia; Modern Iran) Shambih or Holiday, Sabbath
Armenian (Armenia) Shapat or Sabbath
Kurdish (Kurdistan) Shamba or Sabbath
Brahuiky (Beluchistan) Awalihafta or First or Chief of the Seven; And Shambe or Sabbath
Mongolian (Sharra-Mongolian; Eastern Mongolia) Sanitear and Bemba or The Son of the Sun, Saturn
Kalmuk (Western Mongolia) Bembe Graku or Saturn Planet
Turkish (Osmanlian; Turkey) Yomessabt or Day the Sabbath
Lazen (Pashelik of Trebisond) Ssabatun or Sabbath
Chinese (Roman Catholic; earlier) Chanlitsi or Worship-day Seven
Mohammadan Chinese Saibitai or Sabbath
Annamite (Annam) Ngaythubay or Day in order Seven
Ancient Peguan (Pegu-Burma) T'pauh or (Day) Seven
Khassi (Cossyah Hills, East of Bengal) Ka sngi sait-jain or A day to wash clothes; Purification-day
Tibetan (Tibet) Za-pen pa or (Planet Seven)
Boutan (Little Tibet) Pen-pa or Eye of God=Saturn; AND Odsardunpa or Seventh Brilliant Star
Georgian (Caucasus) Shabati or Sabbath
Suanian (Caucasus)Ingouish (Caucasus) Sammtyn or Sabbath
Aware or Avar (Daghistan; Cis-Caucasus) Samat qo or Sabbath Day
Malayan (Sumatra) hari Sabtu or Day Sabbath
Javanese (Java) Saptoe (saptu) or Sabbath
Sunda (West Java) Saptu or Sabbath
Dayak (Borneo) Sabtu or Sabbath
Makssar (Southern Celebes and Salayer Islands) Sattu or Sabbath
Bugis (Celebes) Sattu or Sabbath
Malagassay (Madagascar) Alsabotsy or The Sabbath
Nuforian (NW New Guinea) Ras Fiek or Day Seven
Swahili (East Africa) Assabu or The Sabbath
Congo (West Africa) Satade or Saturday; AND Kiaosabulu or Sabbado: Sabbath
Isolated Languages?
Wolof (Sengambia, W Africa) Alere-asser or Last Day - Sabbath
Fulah (W Africa) Essibt or The Sabbath
Mandingo (South of Senegal, W Africa) Sibiti or Sabbath
Teda (Central Africa) Essebdu or The Sabbath
Bornu or Kanuri (Central Africa) Sibda or Sabbath
Fulfulde (Central Africa) Assebdu or Sabbath
Sonyal (Central Africa) Assebdu or Sabbath
Logone (Central Africa) Se-sibde or Sabbath
Wandals (Central Africa) Sidba or Sabbath
Bagrimma (Central Africa) Sibbedi or Sabbath
Maba (Central Africa) Sab. or Sabbath
Norman French (10th and 11th centuries) Seabedi, Samaday, Semadi or Sabbath Day
Ancient French (12 and 13th centuries) Samedi or Sabbath Day
D?oc. France (ancient and modern) Dissata, Dissate or Day Sabbath
Ecclesiastical Roman Sabatum
Parliamentary (British) Dies Sabbati
Basque (Spain and France) Larumbat or One Quarter (moon)
Finnish (Finland) Lauvantai or Corruptions of Icelandic Laugardagur
Estonian (Estonia) Lau-paaw or Bathday
Livonian (Baltic Russia) Puol-paava or Half Day
Lap (Laplanders, Norway) Lavardak or Corruption of Ice. Lang.
Morduin (Russia) Subbota, Suota or Sabbath
Tsheremissian (Russia) Kuks-keca or Dry-day (day without work)
Permian (Russia) Subota or Sabbath
Votiak (Russia)
Hungarian (Hungary) Szombat or Sabbath
Ostiac (Russia) Chotmetchatl or Sixth-day; AND Juolynchatl or Hinder end-day
Greek (Greece) (Sabbath)
Modern Greek (Greece) (Sabbath)
Latin (Italy) Sabbatum or Sabbath; AND Dies Saturni or Day of Saturn
Italian (Italy) Sabato or Sabbath
Spanish (Spain) Sabado or Sabbath
Portuguese (Portugal) Sabado or Sabbath
French (France) Samedi or Sabbath-day
Roman (Spain, Catalonia) Dissapte or Day-Sabbath
Wallachian (Romania or Wallachia) Sambata or Sabbath
Old High German (South Germany) Sambaztag or Sabbath's day
High German (Germany) Samstag or Sabbath's day
Icelandic (Iceland) Laugardagur or (of bath-day)
Swedish (Sweden) Lordag or Corruption of Icelandic Laugardagur
Danish (Denmark) Laverdag or Corruption of Icelandic Laugardagur
Old Slave (Bulgaria) Subbota or Sabbath
Russian (Russia) Subbota or Sabbath
Illyrian (Dalmatia, Serbia) Subota or Sabbath
New Slovenian (Illyrie in Austria) Sobota or Sabbath
Bulgarian (Bulgaria) Subbota or Sabbath
Polish (Poland) Sobota or Sabbath
Bohemian (Bohemia) Sobota or Sabbath
Lusatian (Saxony) Sobota or Sabbath
Polabic (borders of the Elbe) Subuta or Sabbath
Lithuanian (Lithuania) fubata or Sabbath
Prussian (Prussia; Germany) Sabatico or Sabbath
English Bible (England) The Seventh Day, The Sabbath
this could not have happened if there was no flood and no tower of Babel.
this should also prove the Sabbath day was known back then,then spread.
There is NO natural weekly cycle in nature that man can follow, or from the stars.
It is from creation week, when God placed his presence in it making it holy and known.
The scripture has no suggestion that the day has ever changed.
The Sabbath is the Lord's day, and Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath.
For this reason [ I ] observe the Bible Sabbath rather than the Roman Sunday.