[...] except for the argument that the apostasy is the rapture, which does not fit the context of that passage, and is contrary to the way Paul uses it elsewhere.
The word simply (at its most basic meaning) MEANS "departure".
So here's how Acts 21:21 reads (the ONLY other reference to it, that PAUL gives--and it is NOT "contrary" to how he uses it here), note, in the blb:
"Now they have been informed about you, that you teach all Jews among the Gentiles apostasy [(noun) a departure] from Moses, telling them not to circumcise the children nor to walk in the customs."
[note: "to forsake" (kjv) is a VERB... but the word ^ here is NOT a "verb," it's a noun]
Liddell and Scott Greek-English Lexicon (1871) : "apostasia - LATER FORM FOR apostasis" [and then under THAT, says] "apostasis - [apo *stasis] - a standing away from [a previous standing], or a DEPARTURE"
[*see the word "stasis/stasin" in Hebrews 9:8-9a (the word is used 9x total--check them ALL out and COMPARE with how it is used in THIS verse, Heb9:8-9a!) SEE LISTING of occurrences on right side of page, here, thus HOW it is USED: https://biblehub.com/greek/4714.htm ]
note: 2Th2:3 has the definite article with it
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