reneweddaybyday – Post 2256
brightfame52 – Post 2288
reneweddaybyday – Post 2332
Intentionally obtuse.
When you combine your statement with my statement, it appears that I submitted both statements (which I didn't).
I replied to your Post #2216 where you did the same thing.
However, I am no longer going to respond to posts you submit like that. I will point out that you have botched your response, but I'm not going to take the time to figure out who said what.
You need to take the time to learn how to submit posts so that it is clear as to who said what.
brightfame52 – Post 2288
reneweddaybyday – Post 2332
No, it is not "hogwash". It is rude on your part to combine your statements with my statements and submit a post where it appears I made both statements.
When you submit posts in which you do that, you just reveal your pride and arrogance ... maybe because you consider yourself "elect" and I am merely a "whoseover".
Intentionally obtuse.
The only ones who hear the Gospel and believe are the saved. The preaching of the cross is to the saved, not the lost, the power of God 1 Cor 1:18
18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
Its the power of God Paul says, to us which are saved !
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