I know what Rom 4:5 says, it says God justified the ungodly, so the person was in a state of ungodliness when Justified, thats what is believed.
Justified by Grace. Romans 3:24
justified by faith. Romans 3:28
Faith counted/imputed for righteousness. Romans 4:5
Righteousness imputed to believers. Romans 4:11
Abrahams promise to those who are his children through the same imputation of righteousness through faith. Romans 4:13
The promise is of faith that it might be by Grace. Romans 4:16
Righteousness imputed through faith. Romans 4:24.
Justified by faith. Romans 5:1
justified by Christ’s blood. Romans 5;9
Justified by faith. Galatians 2:16
Justified by Christ. Galatians 2:17
Justified by faith. Galatians 3:24
Titus 3:7. Justified by Grace through regeneration and renewing. Titus 3:4-6