Apparently he doesn’t realize that justification and imputation of righteousness (and non imputation of sin) are the same thing. )
You need both non imputation of sin and imputation of righteousness. It is clear from scripture that God only imputes righteousness to those who believe. And without imputed righteousness, no one is justified.
a. No justification without imputed righteousness. (Grace)
b. Righteousness is only imputed to those who believe.
c. Justification by Grace (imputed righteousness) through faith.
You need both non imputation of sin and imputation of righteousness. It is clear from scripture that God only imputes righteousness to those who believe. And without imputed righteousness, no one is justified.
a. No justification without imputed righteousness. (Grace)
b. Righteousness is only imputed to those who believe.
c. Justification by Grace (imputed righteousness) through faith.
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