God wrote an incorruptible book about each and every one of us, we call the book DNA. DNA is a set of divine instructions that make our physical man what it is. DNA determines whether we have brown hair, blonde hair, whether we are male or female, how tall we will be.
God wrote another incorruptible DNA book called the bible. The words of that book detemine exactly what our spiritual man will be. It determines how he views works, grace, baptism, the Holy Spirit, preservation of the word and everything to do with being a Christian.
We have a choice in our spiritual DNA, we can choose the incorruptible seed or we can choose the seed that man has manipulated as he sees fit. Regaurdless of the choice, which ever DNA is used to build our spirit man will determine the way our spirit man turns out. Interestingly enough, in the past it wasn't possbile to choose our physical DNA but that's not true any more. Today we can actually cut out and change the divine book that God just like man has done with the bible today.