"Women as Preachers: Does God's word authorize this???"
Yes, it does, because the greatest word in question is 'authority,' from 1 Timothy 2:12
”I suffer not a woman to teach or (to) have authority over a man, but to be in silence.”
This verse, unlike the oft compared verse of 1 Cor. 14:35, IS speaking of 'origination.'
Or wait? Hmmm, what is the word Paul uses in verse 36, what, it can't be 'original..'
But, yes, it is because JUST LIKE IN 1 Timothy 2:12 speaks of Paul stating that women are NOT first originated, but 'Adam formed first then Eve,' this 1 Cor. 14:34-35 Paula telling of women to be quiet , says in 14:36 what?
”Or, did the word of God come ORIGINALLY from you.” 1 Cor. 14:36.
Then, in 14:39, God speaks of 'order,' just like God did in 1 Timothy 2:13-14.
Christ peeps, God does not authorize ANYWHERE in scripture that women can not speak, just that there is an order of hierarchy, and, men are FIRST choice, women SECOND.
'Course, this all has order BELOW God's Holy Spirit CALL on your life, and, He calls men, women, BOTH into the ministry to TEACH and to preach.
The original Greek word for our English word of 'authority,' is 'authenteo' or, as the Greek word, 'authentikos,' in truest meaning, and, 'origination,' is the word that Paul most mean-t when saying....
” I suffer not a woman to teach or to have ORIGINATION over a man, but to be in silence.”
Then, the very next verse speaks of ORDER. Paul CLEARLY is speaking of a woman NOT to say they are BETTER than a man, that they are not to think themselves SUPERIOR to a man. This verse, sorry my Christ bros, who want to use the evolved 'dominate' verb for 'authority,' it just is NOT right, YOU have the wrong source of origination for your favorite scriptural word....
But take heart, my traditionalist men out there hat meditate on this word day and night of late (and early too
), be of good cheer, I have overcome the world
God bless you, men and women, teach and preach on