Green, do you know how to read an ordered list?
Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.
Christ is the head of every man
God - -> Christ
Christ --> man
Man ---> woman
Same rule applies in the Church.
Do you realize you just said what I said, as long as you realize on earth it's important that Jesus submitted to the will of of His Father.
Why the Geico caveman?
Did the 'water' in you cause you to post that pic, jimdig??
Order in the church is being set forth by Paul, truly, I wonder why you can't see God's instruction through Paul teaching this abomination of origination of women thinking they are FIRST over men.
Simple, Adam formed first then Eve.
What's so hard to git?
Don't you believe the original Hebrew ?
C'Mon, Honduras, even a caveman can get that ?
Even a cave woman should be able to rightly decipher Paul's true meaning, yahtru.
Excellent, jaume, we who are His ALL have been given this 'water' that God calls us to do great things through it's provisional Spirit, which means women, indeed, have access to this 'water' too.
This 1 Timothy 2:12 Scripture is greatly misunderstood, proper context shows an ordered list with absolutely no saying in its Truth structure that women are not to teach or preach men.
I 'suffer' , says Paul.
Does Paul really suffer of women teaching men.
'Oh, this is terrible, even a (cave)boy could preach better than a woman.'
Does Paul really say that? Don't be naive. No, he does not.
Paul suffers, 'hurts inside' when a woman teaches or preaches to a man , and, isn't this what 'suffer' really means? Again, Paul suffers when women misuse their authority (order) marking, which is MAN FIRST, WOMAN SECOND, in assignment of church positions, including not just prophesying as praying ok (1 cor. 11:5) but teaching and preaching in right order OK.
PAUL SAYS same thing in 1 Cor. 14:39 essentially, saying everything has a rightful order .
39 Therefore, my brothers, be eager to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues. 40 But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.
And, what kind of POWER does 'prophesying' by woman have over men? Plenty.
Paul states that tongues speaking is for unbelievers but prophesying for believers. Prophecy better than speaking tongues unless interpreter.
What does prophecy do for believer to believer? 'Strengthen, encourage, comfort.' 1 Cor. 11:3
To be speaking words to encourage, strengthen, comfort, that sounds to me like even a cqveman can recognize the power in that 'wheel' of Truth.
Maybe, there are some cavepeople on here, not mentioning any names, who need to ask 'the water' inside them IF they are patching His Truth with lies, and parching the throat of God with their silly little commercialism.
Come, Holy Spirit, I need you.
Come, Holy Spirit, I pray.
Come, Holy Spirit, I Love you.
Come in Thy own special way.