Now for men doing housework
Jacob cooked stew, Abraham served guests, and priest are told - more than once - to wash their clothes. The scriptures contain many references to men engaged in household tasks. Below is Faith Online's list: 12 examples of Bible verses concerning men and domesticity...
1. "[Abraham] said: 'Let me get you something to eat'... He then brought some curds and milk...and set these before them.")(Genesis 18:5)
2. "[Lot] prepared a feast for them... and baked unleavened bread" (Genesis: 19:3)
3. "[Laban] said 'I have prepared the house'." (Genesis: 24-31)
4. "Jacob was cooking some stew" (Genesis 25 – 29)
5. "A man...shall wash his clothes" (Leviticus: 13, 2: 6, 34)
6. "The priest shall then wash his clothes" (Numbers: 19:7)
7. "A man kindles a fire…and bakes bread. He prepares his meal, he roasts his meat and eats" (Isaiah 44: 15 – 16)
8. " clean the outside of the cup and of the dish" (Matt 23:25)
9. "The disciples…prepared the Passover" ( Matt 26:19)
10. "Jesus poured water in the basin and began to wash the disciple's feet and to wipe them with the towel with which he was girded" (John 13:5)
11. "The twelve" in the Jerusalem Church had the responsibility to serve tables (Acts 6: 1-2)
12. "The Philippian jailer took [Paul and Silas] and washed their wounds...and he brought them into his house and set food before them."
(Acts 16: 27, 33, 34)