You could not be more wrong. Jesus is the Word of God and He is very much alive today. It is because He is alive that we have hope. We are told: "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away." Hebrew letters are symbols that have evolved over time. For example the letter B represents a tent or dwelling. Today people live in high rise apartments. We do not call this a "tent' but the symbol is still the same. C represents a camel. We do not use a camel for transportation we have jets, but the archetype is still there. D represents the door to the tent and who controls the door. In this case we are told that Jesus is the door. He is not God, He is the Son of God. It is Jesus, the Son of God that determines what enters in or leaves the tent. Like the Tabernacle in the wilderness there is a Holy of Holies. God requires a degree of Holiness and Sanctification. The Tabernacle evolved into a Temple in Jerusalem. If we go back to basis and if we go back to the Beginning then we can build on our understanding. For example: Look at the word beginning. If you study the letters this means that the Ben, the Son of God was given as a Grain offering so that Heaven and Earth could be reconciled. Over time our understanding evolves and we better understand what a grain offering is and How Jesus was offered for us. Moses talks about: " the early rain and the latter rain, that you may gather in your grain, your new wine, and your oil." (Deut11:14) We see the grain, the wine and the oil are all strong symbols in our Bible.
"The WORD is living and can open a believers eyes to the meaning of the text " that's what I typed.
Should I have clarified that he can and does, and been as specific as possible so that you can see precisely what I mean? We have to glean we glean more we can understand a person's position and then a valid disagreement can be addressed scripturally. If there is some way I can respond in the future to you, or what, just let me know.
This is exactly what I posted about earlier in another thread. Somehow people can completely misunderstand disagree completely and not even double check and give someone the benefit of the doubt that perhaps, possibly they misunderstood.
this was not at all what I was expecting upon getting on the site. I'm starting to understand how and why some people have left CC.
It's not disagreement or not seeing eye to eye. "that" I expect. It's disagreement due to misunderstandings without clarification.
You then proceed to lay out what I already am in agreement with, and instead of finding encouragement in someone sharing what I feel my eyes/heart have been open to as I've matured and further gleaning from their own walk, it's an opportunity for discord and a struggle ensues to just write you off as careless and unthinking.
I take great care with ignoring people, because possibly I am being ignorant in my ignoring
but when the thought enters in, it is still a challenge and frankly I find there is room for improvement in it. We don't have a place to call people out, nor offer apologies other than threads where other users can see amends as have taken place easily but it is a little discouraging at present.
We should be able to spar and sharpen each other's iron, but not fight. Sword fighting doesn't sharpen metal it dulls it.
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