The National Adult Literacy Survey in 1992 and 2003 showed the following results:
The results show the average adult reads at the 9th-grade level. This accounts for the fact that the popular blockbuster novels are written at the 7th grade level. People like to read recreationally two grades below their actual reading skill. The average newspaper is written at the 11th-grade level, the tolerable limit for a 9th-grade reader.
We must reach people at their level to be effective. Talking over their heads won't work. I have a tested and quantified 200 wpm at over 90% comprehension level. acceptable High School levels are 200-225 wpm at only 75% comprehension. If average people could read the well and understand 400 year old British speak, the King James would be sufficient. Other studies show the to 40 High School texts are written at about a 5th grade level. How can we reach them if we don't translate it to them in language they under stand? Unless Salvation is just for educated snobs. Get real!

The results show the average adult reads at the 9th-grade level. This accounts for the fact that the popular blockbuster novels are written at the 7th grade level. People like to read recreationally two grades below their actual reading skill. The average newspaper is written at the 11th-grade level, the tolerable limit for a 9th-grade reader.
We must reach people at their level to be effective. Talking over their heads won't work. I have a tested and quantified 200 wpm at over 90% comprehension level. acceptable High School levels are 200-225 wpm at only 75% comprehension. If average people could read the well and understand 400 year old British speak, the King James would be sufficient. Other studies show the to 40 High School texts are written at about a 5th grade level. How can we reach them if we don't translate it to them in language they under stand? Unless Salvation is just for educated snobs. Get real!