You must apply that to every sin, as pornography is also being a 'sexual deviant.' Sweet terminology btw to lead people to the kingdom of God ... not ..
If you claim to have no sin then you are a liar, because your bathing in your own self righteousness like the pharisees prayer with the tax collector.
People who say " you obviously don't know sound doctrine" get my 'being up your own backside award' automatically ... so consider yourself ordained
People can struggle with any kind of sin and be born again. Practicing sin and feeling the urges and tendencies are two different things. A practicing homosexual who doesn't care about Jesus is something different than someone who has homosexual issues/tendencies, knows its wrong, but struggles with those urges.
Even if they are a deviant, as you so ridiculously put it ... we are to approach them with love ... not push them further from the kingdom of God with judgement and criticism.
But I already know this message wont make a blind bit of difference ... so whats the point ... I see you loading your bag up with rocks as your reading it ...
really gets on my wick when I keep hearing the same old song ... poo and mothballs ... poo and mothballs ...