I know there is a lot of joking around associated with this post but I'm gonna be serious. I spent a lot of time feeling like my presence in the world was an annoyance to a particular person. I spent a lot of time feeling something must be wrong with who I am. I realize now it wasn't me that was the problem, but it's very hard for me to get out of this mindset that I'm an annoyance. I find myself apologizing all the time, and taking blame for things that are just realities of life and not anyone's fault. Thanks for posting this...
God bless you, Sonflower.
This is soo me way too often.
And even though we haven't been given a 'spirit of fear'
I admit I'm sometimes afraid of hurting someone's feelings
to the point I almost feel like I should apologize just for
being near them or trying to engage in conversation.
I go too far in trying to be polite, sometimes. In person.
But I've made the terrible and regrettable mistake of
going too far the other direction at times on-line,
forgetting how easily misunderstood I can be,
and have my motives misjudged, and unfortunately,
on-line, ppl can just move on and leave you.
But at least in person, there's a chance to re-engage,
try to gain some understanding, and yes, apologize
where needed, and reconcile and move forward
in the love and grace of God.
I'm praying to get better at that end, because,
(and I'm 'sorry' if this sounds like boasting, lol),
I know I'm a decent guy, and I know in my heart
I'm not trying to hurt anybody.
But if I do something wrong, though I'm not always
immediately aware to what extent, when I do apologize,
it's true and sincere.
Sometimes, though, an apology may take time and care,
to avoid compounding the situation, and ruining any
future chance at honest forgiveness and reconciliation.
Love is key, and SO needed.