Divorce, the way it is done so casually in the world today, IS sin.
I don't like you anymore so I'm looking for someone new to give me that warm and fuzzy feeling.
Me, me, me, I, I, I......
the Bible gives very few permissionable reasons for divorce, so again, just because "everyone's doing it" does not make it right.
Way to many men are walking around woman bashing with their crude jokes and as women it is VERY EASY to get offended, but guess what? Women are JUST AS GUILTY man bashing with their crude jokes.....
paints a very poor picture of how men and women are suppose to act towards one another, things that are over heard, repeated and instilled into the younger generations that we are brining up, who then grow up and enter relationships like "no big deal. If I tire of you I'll just throw this away and get a new one.
Actually, one of the saddest things I ever heard come from my kids mouth was shortly after starting school. In pre-k (so around 4 years old)
Hubs and I had some sort of disagreement, both were mad, a lot of tension in the air and I hear my (at that time) 4 years old, voice all sweet and innocent "why don't we just go find a new daddy?"

That's NOT something that was learned at home, and certainly NOT a subject I ever thought I would have to have with a 4 year old. But then I realized, they were in public school now, and a majority of kids they met already have been exposed to this and think it's normal and okay

(oh and by the way, whatever the situation was that caused disagreement and tension has long been forgotten.... We're still here, still married and better than ever

BUT the sound of my little one repeating that still rings quiet loudly in my ears)