If Christians DON'T discuss it from a biblical point of view........
the world will continue to discuss it from a worldly point of view.....
and the deception and lies continue......
Young people and unmarried folk need to know basic truths of biblical married sex ( I am NOT referring
just to the man entering the woman....)
Sadly even Christians enter marriage with worldly views on sex and it makes for a mess.
Now this is just my opinion here, but anyone who thinks this subject is is old, has been repeated throughout the threads (personally the ones I have seen are nothing remotely close to this threads subject, which is "the SIN of refusing sex" because in a marriage where both or even just one of the spouses claims to be Christian, then refusing sex because of ones own SELFISHNESS is indeed sinful)
or anyone who is just flat out uncomfortable with the topic at hand need not click the link and scroll through, let alone make comments about it not needing to be here ( there are PLENTY of other threads on CC that really DO NOT need to be here..... go post that on them.....) need to just keep their thoughts in their own head and fingers still.......
So far what I am reading throughout this thread is about sex only on the physical level (if I missed something stating otherwise, someone please KINDLY point it out).
Sex goes so much further and deeper than just the man entering the woman.
why do people who claim to be Christians, who claim to be part of the church and body of Christ, want to sweep the topic under the rug and be hush hush about it like it is taboo?
Read Song of Solomon

(Biblical married ) Sex is something to be celebrated, and treasured.......