Wonderful. You have a very positive and commendable attitude.
Sadly, there are many people who will never know that type of serenity. I have known several people who succumbed to alcoholism and drug addiction because they could not cope with their life problems. Certainly did not mean to equate Joni who accepts her fate with those who do not. However, I do stand by my interpretation of what the Bible teaches in that illness or death such as that suffered by Lazarus, Dorcas, and the little girl serve to glorify God only after they are healed of the affliction. The verses I previously quoted clearly show that.
I'm going to tell you that even WHILE a person is going through an affliction, God IS glorified. Glorification does not only come afterwards, but also DURING the affliction. God says those who persevere through afflictions are blessed, and don't I know it!!

The people you know who succumbed to their addictions did not die because they couldn't cope with their life problems. That's just a cop out. They died because they didn't let God help them, and they didn't glorify him in any way during their drunken, high times.
Those of us here who have severe disabilities or afflictions are grateful. Blain, Angela, Depleted, myself and so many others here glorify God during our times of hardship. We thank God for giving us our trials, because it only makes us spiritually and emotionally stronger in our faith. Even Joni gave God the glory for her accident that left her paralyzed. To say that God is only glorified AFTER an affliction is absolutely ridiculous. God can be glorified at ANY TIME during an affliction.
Many people when they are afflicted with something, be it divorce, adultery, illness or whatever, tend to say stuff like "why me? WHY is this happening to ME?". Well, the answer is simple: why NOT them? They are'nt exempt from hard times, so why not them to give a hardship to? Too many blame God for their troubles, and treat him like a genie in a bottle. They think they can just sit on their butts and do nothing, and let God do all the work. It don't work that way, a person has to be proactive in dealing with their situation to better it. For example, if I was still in an abusive relationship with my ex, I'd probably be dead right now, because he tried strangling me. Or if I hadn't had a pap smear/D&C done to deal with my periods, I'd never have known I had uterine cancer until it was too late. Or if I hadn't gone to the hospital ER last year to get treatment for my herniated disk/sciatica, I'd still be stuck in bed with it today and be in agonizing pain. However, I CHOSE to leave my abusive ex, I CHOSE to have the pap smear done, and I CHOSE to go to the ER, so in essence I was proactive in helping God heal me of those things.
The ones who don't help themselves, and the ones who choose to blame God for their hardships, are the ones that I have pity for.