When I saw the title of this thread I first thought it was clickbait since Alexander Hamilton is long dead and was killed in a duel with Aaron Burr. Then I realized it was the cast of the show Hamilton that went after Pence when the dude was just trying to watch Hamilton, the Broadway play, in New York. Contrary to that cast member while I am not a Trump supporter, he is not a racist, sexist (not necessarily he just does not like certain women), xenophobic (he is not afraid of strangers, he wants documented immigrants and not illegal ones, contrary to some people he is not anti-immigration). As for his building the wall, since when is a wall racist? China has a Great Wall, The Roman Empire had a wall by Hadrian, and also Mexico has a wall they have built or are building between them and Guatemala and yet they criticize Trump for wanting a wall built between the United States and Mexico to control immigration, just ridiculous. As for the confrontation between the Hamilton cast and Pence it was unwanted, unneeded, etc. They did not want a dialogue, conversation, etc they instead were harassing and going after Pence and Trump for their views. The key buzz word they use is diverse, diversity, etc. Christians are not against diversity after all those who will get to see Jesus Christ in heaven will be of every tribe, people, nation, culture, etc) but that is not the diversity that the neo-liberals want they want Christians to give in or else, they want us to support same-sex ''marriage'' (which goes against Genesis 2, Matthew 19:4-6, Mark 10:6-9, 1 Corinthians 7), they want to force us to bake the wedding cake for the homosexual ceremony even if it violates our conscience, they want us to give flowers to support a homosexual ceremony, they want us to perform the SSM ceremony and say it is acceptable by God, they will not take no for an answer, they call us bigots, racists, homophobes, heterosexists, intolerant, etc.
Contrary to Dude, Christians do not want a theocracy and even if we did it would not be like the one God instituted in Israel in the Old Testament necessarily but based on the law of mercy and grace. Contrary to him separation of church and state is not in the Constitution. That phrase comes from a letter between Thomas Jefferson and the Danbury Baptists, where he said that the state would not force the church to go against its beliefs and that the United States of America would not have a state-sanctioned church like the Catholic Church in Europe, which almost happened in the U.S. in states but was stopped thank goodness. In the Bible the state has a function and the church has a function. The state to administer justice, enforce the laws (including to protect the Constitution), checks and balances, etc and the church to save souls, pray for the governing authorities, pay taxes to the state as individuals when working, etc.
Mike Pence is not insane, but I guess to you, Dude, the cross is foolishness because you do not believe in it but to us who believe in Jesus, the Son of God, it is the power of God. Also, that the audience booed Pence was not right either and also was disrespect of authority since he is the Vice President of the United States of America. So Trump was right in defending Pence, it was not correct behavior from neither the cast of Hamilton (they started out fine and then the jabs came in against Trump but also hitting Pence in the face) nor the intolerant audience, who I thought would be respectful of anyone in authority even if it was not Hillary Clinton or any other candidate. God bless.