1. When you made the above statement...
I was pointing out that someone new was showing all the the KNOWN and COMMON characteristics of an INTERNET TROLL.
2. You apparently had no way to counter my points, or make some logical defense so...
you tried to AVOID my logical points by attempting a circumvention.
I don't believe you're a troll, but this is a tactic often used by trolls... it allows you to just IGNORE every counter argument instead of actually debating. This is a tactic used by trolls, and since I don't believe you're a troll, I want to encourage you to step up your game.
: )
Sometimes a good circumvention is ok... but it really needs to be more substantial than a flippant bit of misdirection.
3. Regarding the verse you used about "some strangers being angels"... ummm... there is NO PLACE in life where we are to randomly apply scriptures, arbitrarily, and ignore all basic tenets of wisdom and prudence.
God talks much about using wisdom and prudence, at all times.
God even tells us to "prove all things."
4. Regarding the above verse, if we apply it arbitrarily, then every time a Nigerian con-man sends you an email wanting your bank account numbers... you'd have to assume he's an angel, and give him your bank account.
God obviously never intended us to apply this verse arbitrarily, with no wisdom.
I'll reiterate, God even tells us to "prove all things."
Assuming that every idiot we meet is an angel is not only UNWISE... it is actually CONTRARY to scripture... as we are to PROVE ALL THINGS.
5. Regarding the above verse, this "troll" that you think might be an angel.. ummmm... he stated right in his profile that he was "UNSURE IF HE WAS A CHRISTIAN."
I think angels, who actually hang out with GOD... are pretty certain about their religion.
I think that alone is enough to settle the "angel" issue.
6. If we actually STUDY the bible, we can see what angels REALLY do, and how they REALLY behave...
and they never show up DEBATING POLITICS, and discussing the FINER DETAILS OF POLITICAL REFERENDUM.
Angels are messengers of God.
They are never sent to earth to debate the finer points of political referendum... they come with messages about sin and redemption... not the constitution.
Before you pull some odd words of an angel from some obscure place in the Old Testament, and try to paint that as a "political discussion"... God often talks about judging the nations, and tearing some of them down... this is NEVER a political discussion; this is always about SIN, REDEMPTION, and JUDGEMENT... this is never about political referendum and the finer points of some country's laws.
7. It's a sad day when we can't point out a troll without someone saying "Leave him alone, he might be an angel."
Yes, he might be an angel.
And that's about as likely as ME being an angel... along with Trump, Hillary, Vladimir Putin, and Putin's dog.