I go to Church to worship God.....the Sermon is not why I go.....Worshiping God is explained in Scripture...
Psalms, Chapter 150 is a good example
I listen to the Sermon, and, based on my understanding of Scripture received through study and praying to the Holy Spirit for understanding allows me to determine if the Sermon is the Gospel of Christ. I do not rely on the Pastor to teach me.
Not all Pastors went to Seminary....many never went at all, and are excellent Preachers/Pastors/Teachers. Seminary does not make a person a more perfect man/woman of God, the Holy Spirit does that. Pretty sure none of the Apostles attended Seminary, but, I could be wrong.
Seminary serves a purpose, and graduating one should be considered when a Church is looking to hire a Pastor, but the MAIN qualification is are they filled with the Holy Spirit? I am not dissing Seminary, just saying it is only one option a person can choose to learn Scripture...but, even then, IF one does not have the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, what they learn will be meaningless.