I have pasted two links that describe what the vetting process is.
The first link is dated from November 2015, and the second link is dated a month later. If this information is correct, and it probably is, then on the surface it seems the screening / vetting process is a through one.
The liberal agenda aside, looking at this in a common sense rational manner, we have a morale dilemma here. One which our enemies do not have, but they live in a lower place then we do.
So assuming the vetting process is getting the job done, the other issue is this: What about the broader long term landscape?
Regarding the Muslim people, no matter how well they are vetted, are we permitting future terrorists or Islam sympathizers into the country? Most of us understand the Koran makes it clear that Muslims can lie to infidels, are permitted to live with them in peace, but always with a eye toward eventual conquest and Shirai law. Assuming most Muslims that come here subscribe to that mentality, how does a Christian society ultimately decide what the guidelines for accepting Muslims are?
We know they would never give us the freedoms in their countries we allow them here. Still again, we are residing at a higher sea level then them.
Allowing a young married professional Muslim couple into the country seems like a win-win. However, when push comes to shove who is their alliegiance going to be with? Are they or their off spring going to be ticking time bombs?
I don't know what the best way to proceed is. It was a fairly easy proposition when America welcomed Europeans and Asians and non Muslim Africans.
This is a whole 'nother situation though.
How the Refugee Vetting Process Works