1. What object(s) is/are to your immediate right?
My desk (SInce I am sitting in bed). And on that desk is my bible, X-Men cartoon DVDs, bible highlighters, an old match box from Europe some where, old violin strings, other random and weird things.
2. What's the most rewarding thing you've ever done for somebody?
I can't tell you the most rewarding thing because I have many of those 5 days a week at work.
3. Have you ever found a really odd item while walking somewhere? What was it?
I can't think of anything to type here. I have seen some odd things but probably not appropriate for this site. This is Australia, after all.
4. What Bible verse would you say most applies to your life right now (yes yes, I know it's all important...be a good sport and answer the question)?
Pslam 23: 5 - 'You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies....'
5. A favorite movie scene: what is it and why do you like it so much?
At the end of the french movie, 99 Francs, the credits start rolling, implying that this is the end of the film after the main character comits suicide (No, I didn't ruin the ending for you, they make it evident from the beginning that he ends up dying). Then it begins rewinding and plays an alternative ending that could have happened, although it never did. At the end, this man screws over the advertisement industry and then escapes life as he knows it to live on a tropical island. There he meets vibrant native people who take him in as one of their own and shows him how to live off the land.
I like it because although the character never had a second chance, this is what a second chance would have looked like. And I look back now, and I realise people would do anything for a second chance at life. I know this has nothing to do with the movie, but people also get caught up with super heroes because somewhere deep inside them, they want a saviour to come and rescue them. Little do they realise both of these things can be found in Jesus.