All I want to say is that God is not my spouse. I may not be poor or hungry or sick, but I deal with daily loneliness and don't talk very much about it. I don't pray a lot about it either because it makes me feel like I'm not satisfied with God. I'm tired of having to feel and think and say and do all the right things. But apparently I have no problems because, like I said, I'm not poor, hungry, or sick.
And to those making assumptions, I do my best to help those less fortunate than me. I volunteer and give what I have. My last job was doing housekeeping at a hospital, seven hours a day five days a week. Even if I have a bad day, I try to make someone else's. I do all of this because I know that's what Christians do. Support each other. I may not do everything right all the time, but I know my beliefs. We're not going to get anywhere by comparing sufferings, because everyone has to go through it at some point in their life.