Not exactly true in some instances.
The circumstance that has worked well for yours and Darlene's situation doesn't always line up so fortuitously...I also live in the same state as several CC women with whom I am friendly...and yet, from a proximity standpoint, it would make far more sense to pursue a relationship with someone who's actually two states over (Seoulsearch) than the women with whom I begrudgingly share residence (Misty77, Violakat, Grace, Catlynn, ntw...wait, that last one is a guy, oops).
(I think it's far more fun to find a woman who lives in my state...delusion.)
Aaaanyways, I can certainly identify with Reece; sometimes it feels like something you want (or in the case of a crush, THINK you want) is out there, but always just beyond the tips of your fingers. (But the thing you need rather than want has been there allll along...if you are the lyrics to a Taylor Swift song. *cackles, runs away*)
(Random additional parenthetical, since I don't have enough.)
Oh, right. CC crushes. I have a crush on KenThomas. *drops a grand piano onto the duck's head from an overhead helicopter, Hot Shots-style*
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