Eeh, I remember the good old days when men were men and
women were men too (a joke
Hairy arm pits and legs were the norm, no fancy cosmetics just good old soap
and water. No fancy soap either just the glycerine type which took lots
of soaking to get a lather.
There was only one brand of anti dandruff shampoo and only a handful of
other brands. Coal tar soap was used for all skin problems and it worked. Lol
All moisturises were white in colour and non had any scent.
The only hair style product was brill cream.
I even remember when toothpaste came in tins and tasted like that awful
antiseptic mouth wash which dentists use to swill out your mouth with.
You had to wet your toothbrush and rub it into the toothpaste.
Are we any better off for having a trillion brands of skin cream for every
different aspect of skin care. Most have the same combination of
ingredients anyway.