No offense is meant in what I am about to write. I respect you greatly and think you are the finest Christian on this site.
I believe the attitude of thinking you can keep a firm grip on your heart is an attitude of pride.
A man and a woman can be friends, and love can very subtly occur. By then, it is too late to disentangle your heart or his heart because you are both married to other people or one is married.
Everyone can slip, and it doesn’t take much for people to develop feelings for another person- a sympathetic ear, a shared interest, a feeling of being understood, a certain simpatico.
To be safe, since we are all sinners and prone to sin, prone to break promises, prone to hurt the ones we love- married people should not have friends of the opposite sex- not confidantes. It is a very perilous slope.
I believe the attitude of thinking you can keep a firm grip on your heart is an attitude of pride.
A man and a woman can be friends, and love can very subtly occur. By then, it is too late to disentangle your heart or his heart because you are both married to other people or one is married.
Everyone can slip, and it doesn’t take much for people to develop feelings for another person- a sympathetic ear, a shared interest, a feeling of being understood, a certain simpatico.
To be safe, since we are all sinners and prone to sin, prone to break promises, prone to hurt the ones we love- married people should not have friends of the opposite sex- not confidantes. It is a very perilous slope.
My biggest point however, was that it is different for each set of people. A friendship takes two people--when one of those people is married, the friendship takes three, because the spouse of that person is also involved in an indirect way.
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