Dad it has been just you and me for quite some time and I wanted to thank You for bringing that special someone in my life. All the years of loneliness will soon be gone and there will be someone to share life again with. It is so nice to have that someone special to talk to and he loves You too Dad which makes it even more wonderful. You know that we will begin our married life next week and I ask that You come into our hearts and always dwell there, help us to lift You up to those we come in contact with, help us to live our lives so that others will see Jesus shining through.
Please lead us and help us fulfill the purpose You have in mind for both of us. We will make mistakes and I pray that You will be with us and help us to look to You during those times and come running to You to help us get back on track, that we will always say kind words to each other and keep You in the number one spot always.
Help us to develop a strong connection with You and come to the family alter in worship to You and with You each and every day. Help us to pray more and keep the connection we need to be able to stand strong with You in our hearts against the devil and any trials he may try and send our way.
Dad it won't just be me anymore next week we will be three. Keep us close to You until You come and take us home. Bless our union I pray in Jesus Name Amen.