We mustn't let them SAP our strength.
As if dealing with the SAP's aren't enough, you also have the SAM's (Self-Appointed Moderators). Now granted, there are times when I might fall into this category myself, as I try to nip any needless nonsense in the bud if it starts to happen within my own threads. I tell myself that I'm trying to save the mods the trouble.
I know people probably have good intentions, but a long time ago there was a particular poster who was always correcting new users. When one of the newbies pushed back, this SAM then decided to wield a bit of imaginary power by dropping a mod's name and saying, "Such-and-such would not want you to post this."
Well, "such-and-such" mod happened to see the post--AND made a cameo guest appearance in the thread, both quoting and confronting this person with, "Please don't use my name or claim that you are a representative of what I will or will not allow on this site."
That alone was well-worth the price of admission and I wish I saw exchanges like that more often!!
The Mods and Admin here have always had the difficulty of trying to maintain a balance between allowing discussions that are prone to become heated and trying to maintain some semblance of civility. Crank the screws too tight and everyone complains that we're stifling free discussion and that everyone is scared that if they speak their mind they'll be banned and users leave in numbers. Let the screws get too loose and then people end up leaving in numbers because they get tired of the free for all.
Invariably it becomes difficult to determine who the real trouble makers are when there are numerous users digging at each other and each of them have hundreds if not thousands of posts in dozens of threads. Trying to figure out which user(s) started the free for all can be daunting and often it is determined that numerous users on both sides of the fight are at fault so in maintaining fairness we have to either ban all of them or none of them. If we ban all of them then all of a sudden the repercussions from turning the screws too tight kick in.
CC has been around 16 or 17 years now, AlaynaJ joined in 12/99 and the site had been around a year or two at that time.
Invariably good Christian sites rely solely on donations to fund them since Google ads is going to be prone to posting ads that would be completely inappropriate for a Christian site. Most sites suffer from a lack of funding and the smaller ones quite often won't raise enough donations to just pay the server bill. Couple that with the Admin feeling like a cyber babysitter and getting attacked from all sides because no matter what decision you make you're gonna have a handful of users that aren't happy with it and with time they just shut it down rather than deal with the stress.
Interestingly we've had a couple of users over the years leave CC and start their own site because they perceived in their own mind that running a site like this was easy and that could do it better than the team here. Not at all surprising that often they realize that their perceptions were very wrong and they shut down because they get tired of the headache.
When I first came to CC I was a bit of an angry, rebellious troll myself (NOT because of CC itself--I was at a very bitter point in life.) One of the reasons I've stuck with this site and speak so positively about it is because the moderators here have been gracious enough to allow me to hash out some things in my own life and grow over time in my own way.
I think people also forget that the internet is a cesspool of people who suffer from mental illness. Add to that the fact that many are unemployed, have no families, and have no contact with people except their keyboards (whether due to circumstance or choice), this pretty much makes sites like this the equivalent of a giant homeless shelter.
Now, I'm not saying that in criticism at all--of course we are to have compassion on people. But I'm just saying, we also have to take a very realistic look at the audience. I remember one user from a long time ago (on a forum not so far away) who would regularly come into chat and randomly insult users for no reason (including myself) and talk about completely nonsensical things, then would constantly say the administration should grant him mod status. *shakes head*
I also saw a copy of a video once in which a former member was ranting over CC and how he was wrongfully banned, and I was thinking, "Are you kidding me? I remember this guy. He was here 24/7... and he was absolutely nuts." He used to appear on camera all the time, which also showcased the fact that he seemed to have little regard for hygiene, organization, or basic daily cleanliness in his own living quarters--which I'm mentioning not as a criticism, but as a hint that this person "wasn't all there."
I have also heard stories of how some of the most "righteous-sounding" posters are sending inappropriate messages to underage users or catfishing other members (and it's been the victims who have told me about it.)
What I'm trying to say is, I've learned to trust the mods here. When they make the choices that they do, I'm sure it's not without a lot of thought and consideration. And frankly, I often feel sorry for them.
I hated babysitting even when I was a teenager. I can't imagine what it must be like to have to referee a site with thousands of adults all going at each other as if someone stole their pacifier.
Sorry I couldn't condense all of this into a 10-second cat video

, but maybe someone will actually be bored enough to read this post!