I'll take that as a compliment, Lynxsus.
And, I meant to say that "It can be very worthwhile to STAY," not "say". Sigh. Running on 3 hours of sleep again.
I was also going to say that CC is a lot like the stock market, in which the members and feedback here are the investments. The minute most people aren't happy with the "returns" they expect from investing in certain people or time on this site, they go off to find more fulfilling things to do with their time that offer better payoffs, which is completely understandable.
Unfortunately, the people who stay the longest are generally the people who have nowhere else to go and somehow find their whole purpose in cutting down other people through their alleged "teachings" or "corrections" (the SAP's... Self-Appointed Prophets.)
I know, I know. Someone is going to say, "Well then what does that say about you, Seoulsearch?"

Yup, I've been pretty tough to kill off, I know. I've just gotten to the point where I really don't care what the SAP's think.
In the time I've been on CC, I've been on about 3 other Christian sites as well, and yes, unfortunately, they all folded in that time. I've heard that CC has been in existence about 15 years but I'm not sure? But it seems that online culture is changing, and most people don't want to read anything longer than 140 characters anymore (and posting pictures on Instagram is surely more meaningful than a real conversation), so who knows what will happen.