The past couple of weeks I've been actively trying (in my real life, not this digital construct), to speak only when I have something to say or to answer a question asked of me. At first, I did it because I was tired of having to repeat myself or explain myself. It turned into a bit of an experiment for me though and I wanted to see just how little audible speaking is necessary for me in my daily life. As it turns out, I need practically none to get through an average, normal day. It has been wonderful not having to repeat myself because someone wasn't paying attention. It has been wonderful not having to rephrase something so somebody understands (and the rephrasing makes what I had to say lose all meaning).
It's made me think though - practically all my words here at CC are just idle chit-chat that isn't necessary. I seem to post a lot but say very little. The playful banter once in a while is fun, but the rest of it seems like a waste of energy. The times when I think I have something to say I have to have faith that the message will get through, and it usually doesn't. Sometimes I fail to remember that there are people on the other end of the line, and people being people, their ability to comprehend is influenced by a host of factors, and my getting frustrated that they don't comprehend what I've said the way I said it is a silly use of my time.
Hi Yahweh,
I don't know if you've experienced this at all, but yes, my whole life, I've been rather irritated at having to repeat what seemed like even the simplest facts to people over and over (it's been a requirement at most of my jobs.) I too figured they just weren't paying attention or were a little slow when it came to comprehension.
And then God did an interesting thing with me.
I've come to realize over the years that I have the exact same "fault". Although I did all right in school, I had to work very hard--when I learn things, including about people, I need to have it repeated several times. What I realized is that my brain only seems to grab on to one piece of information at a time. So, if you tell me 5 things about yourself... I might only be able to take in 1 of those things. And the next time you tell me, it might just reinforce that 1 thing from last time, and I'll still need to hear the story again a few more times in the hopes of learning, or remembering, all the other things.
I have this problem even in writing--you'd think I could just go back and re-read something a dozen time, but I actually do better when the person tells me (in writing) or explains to me (in writing) again and again.
I've been wanting to write a thread that asks what causes people here to remember other people, and I know that one thing that helps me remember various CC members is when they retell things about themselves in the forum. I know someone might say, "I already told (wrote) you all that before," but I may very well have to go over it a dozen times.
I know some people get frustrated that no one seems to remember them here, but if they only make one or two posts here and there and it's rather random or cryptic, then yes, there is a good chance that unfortunately, I won't remember them in particular, though I do try.
And I have come to realize that other people probably have the same learning style as well.
As Tourist said, you're an extremely interesting and open person. I'm not sure if you were venting mostly about real life or also life here in the forums, but please, if you have to repeat yourself a few times...
I can openly admit.
I'm just a little slow.
Keep trying!
Just stop threatening me with certain dinner entrees, and we're all good.