"I accidentally posted before I finished. The last thing that I wanted to mention is that there is too much emphasis on money. Who cares about cars, houses, etc. when there is the life of a child in the balance? I would trade any of my worldly possessions for the joy that my children bring me. Maybe we're too concentrated on greed these days? Just a thought..."
It made me wonder what would be heard in a court it this was said there, when two people were in the process of being divorced...
After a young man is introduced to a lady, the very moment he is presented to ask their family HER hand, what do any of these parents ask before approving the relationship? "What do you do for a living? or Where do you work".
Prior to a "beginning", to going out any date, a smart young lady, even and old woman would have asked the same, because no one, as far as I know, like to ask it from their family and very few are eager to spend their money on the man they got (unless he gives her something she never found, another place).
Let´s imagine this world is not more, see biblical history, as it was and find out by yourselves:
Laban "loved" the man his sister had found, and greeted him so well:
Gen 24:29 She had a brother named Laban. She told him what the man had said to her. Laban was listening to her. And when he saw the ring and the bracelets on his sister's arms, he ran out to the well. There the man was, standing by the camels at the well. Gen 24:31 Laban said, "Sir, you are welcome to come in! You don't have to stand outside here. I have prepared a room for you to sleep in and a place for your camels."
Rebekah wasn´t blind (neither a fool, to go to a lower social level)...
Jacob wanted the one he wanted.
He paid that PRICE twice (14 years), but Laban fooled him to get A GOOD WORKER for 7 years more (Gen 29:16 Now Laban had two daughters. The older was Leah and the younger was Rachel. Gen 29:17 Leah's eyes were gentle, but Rachel was beautiful. )
I guess these OLD historical examples told me enough: Nobody likes to live in poverty or lacking things.
Most of the person I knew married "someone" to scape their social background, to bypass those conditions they largely faced and those -young or old- who normally married, dealt the economic aspect of it pretty well (before being engaged) and, after divorce, evenly having no children inside that broken relationship, they a$ked their $hare, just as for a revenge.
In my case, too, that seemed the only thing she regrets.