I'm trying to make a pair of khaki shorts and just spent half the afternoon sewing two pleated pockets with curved flaps buttonholes, and button attachments... Something I hadn't done before.
And then I noticed I'd sewn one of the completed pockets to the INSIDE of one half of the backside (the pieces aren't put together yet so I had to work on both back pieces separately) by accident. This meant that one of the pockets faced the outside, like it's supposed to... and one pocket, if I leave it the way it is, is on the INSIDE of the shorts. WHY DO I EVEN BOTHER. And so I spent the second half of the afternoon ripping out the stitching on the defective pocket and will have to try again on another day off.
It's times like this when I think of how nice it must be to be God. I mean, I'm sure when HE was creating things, He didn't stop and say, "OH FOR THE LOVE OF THE WORLD, I JUST PUT THE BEAK ON INSIDE-OUT!!!!!" Good grief!!!
The Bible says to ask God for understanding.
I think I'm going to ask for a double dose (obviously... one for each side.)