Strange dream...not even sure was a dream,maybe a teaching??? The parallel between Superman 1 & 2 the movies & me as a christian????? Superman first off is who he is,that's not his disguise...being Clark Kent is his disguise.Me- a child of God,set apart,but because of original sin,garden of eden happenings...fall of man,now have to be puny mortal. Superman finds out his true self..what he really is,what he's called to be,what he was meant for via little crystal by dad. Me- finds out about Jesus,reads bible,learns what I was intended to be,learns about the sacrifice made so that I could be free of sin & be who I was meant to be. Fortress of Solitude = Superman's church or place he can chill out with his crystal archive learning center "aka the bible"...discovering more about himself,his family,where he comes from,instruction concerning his role in the universe & where he is at the moment,being earth. Get's time to recharge. Enter pretty lady...wants to protect & love her...knows they are unequally yolked. Lois Lane -unbeliever,but has the hots for superman. Superman the undisguised version of Clark Kent...Lois sees perfection & is drawn to it. Clark makes impulsive decision & removes glasses revealing,his true self. Look Look..I was hiding my light under a bushel...I am Christ-like,notice me...I have great qualities...oh & btw Lois,I'm in love with you even though yer' a total heathen. Superman with his choice. Give up his powers. (compromise his faith,weakening his walk with God) Just to be with Lois. Puts his desires before his responsibilities thus leaving himself open for attack. Satan sees this as prime time to strike...enter General Zod & his henchmen. Now Clark,a regression by choice to be mortal,gets rump handed to him by baddies! Can't even protect the ones he loves. Sees now the error of his ways...what to do??? Can there be forgivness? Father warned me. Yes...part of the crystal that build the fortress still exists...The Holy Spirit? Is this that still small voice..the word of God that never truly can be destroyed???? Use the crystal,turn away from who you are meant to are God's Superman...come out from among the world & be a protector,a light,a beacon of light for all around you that are stumbling in the dark. Hmmm...Now equipped to kick some evil butt!
I have no idea what all this is..dreaming,tossing & turning...I don't even really care for Superman as a comic book character.
I dunno...all so strange. I wish I could just have a normal nights sleep like normal people...hahaha..oh man,in just thinking this to myself...the irony...if I end up normal...with normal sleep...will Zod come in & kick my butt?
I really am in the mood for a donut right now!