Since Valentine's Day is tomorrow, this will probably be my last post in this particular thread until next year. And although I created this thread for humor sake, I would like to make just one serious post here for all us Single's for Valentine's Day.
I know that being single on Valentine's Day is often a very disheartening and even painful day for a lot people. I personally am not affected negatively by it as a single person, by I've heard real life stories that make me sympathetic to what some single people experience emotionally during that day. For those singles who have not yet been in a relationship during their life (and therefore have yet to celebrate Valentine's Day with a loved one) and for those who have been in relationships (and therefore know exactly what it's like to celebrate love for a special person in your life), being single on such a day can often induce an intense feeling of being left out of love altogether.
The only thing I can offer to those hurting singles is the reassurance that none of us are actually alone or unloved during Valentine's Day (or any day of the year for that matter). I am in no way against couples celebrating Valentine's Day together (I've done it myself in past relationships), however the love that a couple has for each other (and all other types of love, such as love for family and friends) derives from a love that encompasses far more than just earthly love between a man and a woman. The love between a husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend, is simply a little stream that is made available to us during our lives to experience, but the vast ocean of love from which those streams have their life and source is itself available to everyone, everyday, at every moment - that love being Jesus' love for each of us. All love is founded in Jesus, and so even though we are not part of a earthly relationship with a man or woman today, we do indeed possess the very foundation of love itself through our union with Christ. And Jesus' love for us excels past the love anyone on earth can have for us because His love is ever-present, never-failing, and is revealed more and more to us as we grow closer to Him. And our love towards Him is to also exceed our love for any man or woman, because our love for Jesus is to advance beyond just love itself, to the point of becoming actual worship.
So although us singles may not have a stream of love to celebrate tomorrow, let us never forget we do indeed have an ocean of love to rejoice in and to be drawn closer to the Lover of our Souls! May we engage in joyous celebration on Valentine's Day of our love for Jesus and to indulge our souls in worshiping Him, because of His undying love for us.
I will link below a video I put together earlier this week which I hope will help singles fully grasp the fact that we are never separated from love, not even on Valentine's Day. The song is "I Belong" by Kathryn Scott.
Happy Valentine's Day to all my Fellow Singles!!!
"We know what real love is, because Jesus gave up his life for us." - 1 John 3:16.