When God moves his heart in prayer if need be or any time he is okay with it himself. Who am I to tell him what to do? Should I put any man in a box just to suit what kind of concept I want him to be or accept him as he is? What is acceptance and love any ways? Isn't it about allowing the person to be themselves or is it about throwing rocks at the person because they want to break down and cry. I would rather the person be real with me then be a phony then to try and control their crying urges just to please moi. Didn't Jesus Christ show any sort of feelings or not? I always thought he did besides it's in his word is it not? I think of this verse when I think of any such weakness because men aren't suppose to show it. Says who and who made human beings any ways? God or us? I didn't choose any one of them because it's not for me to choose for some one else it's their own choice. My brothers and sisters in the Lord can cry any time so choose around me!
2 Corinthians 12:10
That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in
weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.