I've had men be flat out direct with me especially in the last few years, but I don't desire to be with those type of guys. For example I was at my sisters wedding and this guy kept talking about my behind, granted I fell down a couple days before and cracked my tailbone so I had a pillow and of course he had to stared, then I went on a date with a guy who couldn't keep his hands off of me and when I told him to stop he got hateful and talked about marriage, I had another where he offered to carry me over a puddle of water so I wouldn't slip and fall, I thought it was sweet, but in my gut I knew something wasn't quite right about that one. In truth what gets me is when I see a man and we talk for a little bit and he blushes, it's kinda sexy to me, that's when I know lol
You keep saying "a guy." Could I suggest knowing them past the "a guy" stage before giving them personal time. Some people aren't minute worthy.
I say this, bc men of God don't act that way, nor do they come along that often.