It may be the #Metoo witch hunt that woman have started..
They have established that an unwanted male approach to a woman is a form of abuse..
Now when does a guy find out that his approach a woman is unwanted???
Think for a minute......
Answer:: That's right... AFTER He makes an approach..
But he finds out too late because he has already broken the Law.. He has already made an unwanted approach and thus the woman can make the claim she has been traumatized by a guy who had made an unwanted approach to her..
Guy then is crucified.. Loses His job,, gets dispelled from University,, Ends up in court on an abuse charge, where he is deemed guilty unless he can prove himself innocent ( Note the modern dogma,, We must always believe the female victim ) So the presumption of innocence until proven guilty that has been the basis of western civilization for centuries has been overturned by feminist activists.. Men are presumed guilty unless they can prove themselves innocent these days..
So why would a young guy of today approach a woman? Maybe if he is reckless and likes the excitement of the danger of playing Russian roulette he will take the chance.. But if he is a wise young man he will avoid approaching woman..