It's definitely some challenging times, but if we keep our eyes on God, and not our problems, then life is worth living.
Everyone faces problems, but it's how you handle them. Some people have tons of wealth, but they have all kinds of health concerns. Others are barely getting by, but have outstanding health compared to many. The trick is, figure out your blessings, and use them for doing good.
Wishing for death sounds like a mental disorder, this isn't normal at all. Seek professional help, if you are not well.
I have been battling a few things myself, but keep turning to God. Sometimes things are not working out, but then, God steps in and reminds me that I'm very blessed. Looking back at everything, there is nothing to complain about. God is so good.
It really all in the mind maybe. Do we trust God, or do we trust ourselves. I feel double minded sometimes and doubt once in awhile, but seeking Jesus puts me back on track.
Our lives might not be pretty sometimes, but a quick change of perspective, can fix it. Keep trusting in God!