How about a little gypsy caravan or tiny home on wheels...? Or shepherds hut.
I spent a couple of months wwoofing and that was fun to stay in various farms around the countryside, for a suburbanite like me. backpacking was also a blast but its something you do in your twenties when you are young and foolhardy. However there is no place like home as the Prodigal son finds out.
This is an awesome idea -- tiny homes are pretty fascinating, huh? One of my favorites on a YouTube video was a woman and her two cats whose tiny home had a loft on each end with catwalks on each side of the side between them, which the cats loved.
I went through a phase of doing a bit of research on tiny homes, RV, and alternative living places -- I love the idea of living well and being able to travel on much less than it costs for traditional housing.
However, I soon found out how important it is to look up all the con's to those living arrangements as well, such as the maintenance (one video said you need to willing to do amateur plumbing and electrical work regularly,) upkeep (it's hard to find techs who will work on tiny homes,) and regulations (weight limits while on the road, limited places to park, as apparently many camp grounds and parks here don't allow tiny homes, etc.)
Another video pointed out the lack of security, citing one guy who traveled a lot and said he'd had to spend a considerable amount to fortify his place as much as possible, because he'd had problems with people breaking into his home while he was out hiking, etc.
I know the biggest deterrent for me would be having to drive something that big!

Some friends of mine asked me to drive their SUV every now and then while they were away to keep it in good shape, and I was terrified!
Your backpacking trip sounds like a blast -- staying at different places in the country along the way would be cool! It doesn't have to be something for just your 20's

-- why not go again soon when things are hopefully safe?
I liked the Laura Ingalls books too, though I didn't read them all, but one of my favorites was Mr. Edwards. I loved the story where he swims across the creek in the middle of winter just to make sure Laura and Mary receive gifts on Christmas.
Who were your favorite characters? (Sorry, off topic but I agree, their "Little Cabin in the Big Woods" always sounded so cozy.)