Do you believe that God accepts homosexuality or not?

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Do you believe that God accepts homosexuality or not?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 7.5%
  • No

    Votes: 157 90.2%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 4 2.3%

  • Total voters
Mar 2, 2013
I would love to be a fly on the wall. If one of these peoples sons or daughters maybe their only child.
Came up and said " mum dad I am gay"

These people had to remain in the closet scared to disclose what they were.
Some forcing themselves into a marriage and having children living a lie. So the bibles words force these people to commit another sin forcing them to lie. Actually to live a life of lies.

Homosexuals are no better or worse than we are. Christians have swinging parties commit all sorts of things behind closed doors. But then they can repent cant they. How does it go " If not a Christian you cannot be saved" but a Christian can repent and God forgives.

I tell you what as a parent ( he is our father) he has a lot to learn about parenting.

I am so glad Homosexuality is out in the open and people can live with those they really love.

Somebody did post that man and women were made to have children. So all you barren women out there your living in lust that is a sin. As I have said before from what I have seen of some of these people who can have children a gay couple would do a better job.

Hoot Owl
Mar 2, 2013

Take a few steps back here. Heterosexuals commit sodomy as well you know, in fact a lot do. Their sex life is no different apart from the fact it is same sex.

You honestly think gays have sodomy sewn up lol

Read some sex manuals

Hoot owl
Mar 4, 2013
I would love to be a fly on the wall. If one of these peoples sons or daughters maybe their only child.
Came up and said " mum dad I am gay"

These people had to remain in the closet scared to disclose what they were.
Some forcing themselves into a marriage and having children living a lie. So the bibles words force these people to commit another sin forcing them to lie. Actually to live a life of lies.

Homosexuals are no better or worse than we are. Christians have swinging parties commit all sorts of things behind closed doors. But then they can repent cant they. How does it go " If not a Christian you cannot be saved" but a Christian can repent and God forgives.

I tell you what as a parent ( he is our father) he has a lot to learn about parenting.

I am so glad Homosexuality is out in the open and people can live with those they really love.

Somebody did post that man and women were made to have children. So all you barren women out there your living in lust that is a sin. As I have said before from what I have seen of some of these people who can have children a gay couple would do a better job.

Hoot Owl
Every sin has different consequences. Romans chapter 1 lists quite a few of those sins. Are you excusing those things which I'm sure both you and I have commited at least on of them? The question then remains. Are we continuing in those sins and making excuses for those things because others are sinning also? If God is actually giving us His thoughts, and directives through all of His Word, and we are still making excuses for our sinfull actions without repentance, how would you explain away Romans 1:29-32 (KJV)
[SUP]29 [/SUP]Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
[SUP]30 [/SUP]Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
[SUP]31 [/SUP]Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
[SUP]32 [/SUP]Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

It isn't right according to the Word of God to excuse unrighteousness and call it the love of God, and compassion. WE all should sound the trumpet and warn others about God's Judgement. I'll list 2 more scripture references.

Ezekiel 33:6 (KJV)
[SUP]6 [/SUP]But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

Hebrews 4:1-2 (KJV)
[SUP]1 [/SUP]Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.
[SUP]2 [/SUP]For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it.
Mar 4, 2013
I think I know what the problem is concerning how we understand the love of God and how to love others as we do ourselves. As you all know, there are debates concerning whether parts of the Bible are still relevant today as they were thousands of years ago. There are debates on the Mosaic law for the most part. Some say that the law is nothing but condemnation, and others say that the law is relevant for today as well as when it was written. With that said, it is confirmed in my heart and mind that we don't look into the total Word of God to confirm in our hearts what the love of God really is. Compassion is part of that, and so is caring for those that are caught up in a sin that separates them for the REAL love of God. The disagreements about what God rejects or accepts comes from making up our own rules of love, because we don't want to connect God's judgment, and righteousness to the love that has been established from the beginning of time. Today people will say that the record of the Old Testament is so gruesome and bloody, and in their opinion that certainly can't be showing the love of God, for those in history that were blessed by killing men, women, and children and animals. What we don't want to admit is that God is the same today as He was then, and in that train of thought, we make up our own rules because we can't bear the truth. Being Christ like (Christian) means to be one with the Father as Jesus was. The only difference between us and Jesus Christ is that He was perfect, and we are not. That's why every hope that we might have concerning the acceptance of God is through Christ Jesus. If you think for a minute that Christ would say I accept your sin, we are sadly mistaken. He came to take it away, not condone it and then say to love each other as He loves us by accepting what is wrong with us. Food for thought.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2013
Hi Kreation

I am having trouble with messages on this site. I had the same trouble with Nathan3 yesterday when he asked a question.

Thank you for contacting me it is nice to see someone who is actually willing to discuss instead of throwing versus with no body to them.

Let me tell you about myself then you will know where I am coming from.

I am not a Christian. Neither am I a homosexual. I respect what others believe as long as that belief does not include using forceful tactics to win people over in anyway.

I am not trying to speak against the bible only the use of it by those who choose to use its words to manipulate brainwash, and totally intimidate others into their beliefs.

Religion all of them not just the Christians are blatantly doing this with no thought for the feelings of those who do not live the same way that their churches say they should live.

And to cap it all some of their leaders the people who are supposed to spread the word are spreading their own hidden sins behind cloister doors and kept hidden when found out.

The time has come now when people can speak out with open minds without the fear of being jailed or worse about the atrocities that have been carried out especially to children in their care.

Till the churches can honestly step up to the plate and hold themselves accountable for what was done they have no right to tell others that they are living in any kind of sin. The churches do not do this till the people are caught, why these people are not thrown out of the church I do not know, especially as the church considers it such a sin?

Obviously the church considered them to be good religious leaders and they were moved onto other churches. Obviously they thought God also excepted it.

They were doing this while banning people from white churches because of the colour of their skin.
Come on a black man could not enter a white church? does God except this also?

They talk to me about testimonies. testimonies do not even stand up in a court of law. People want fact not what somebody said or wrote years ago. People were burnt at the stake because of testimony.
Go back to my post and read the poem which is on this site that I wrote and put up.

People will always attack when they hear the truth especially in religion. Religion is the only hope they have to hang on to.

But answer me this, how many people would still be Christian love and follow God if Christianity turned out to be propaganda. I doubt very many because it is a human failing to only do something if there is something in it for ourselves.

So what if no Heaven? no ending of the days when all the Christians would sit by God and watch none believers burn.
That to me comes over as being vindictive.

Myself I would be pleading for those who were to burn not rejoice in the fact that I was holier than them.

With one word they say we were given the freedom of choice, what choice? according to the bible we are condemned anyway for eating from the tree of knowledge no choice there.

Anybody with half a brain knows that there is no such thing as freedom of choice whether in the bible or not.
if we were given the freedom of choice God would have let us see the consequences of those choices before we made them.
We all know we have to pay for the choices. Even if the intentions of that choice were good ones.

So how can they say for a start Homosexuals have a choice when they are born gay. And then say God will not except it but a millionaire gay mans money is good enough. God I take it excepts that.

Those who do swing both ways are Bi-sexual different scenario.

I know homosexuals who have been married had children then decided they were gay. I must admit not to tell their partner that they had these Bi-sexual feelings was a sin ( a word I do not like) against their partners soul and took away the right for the partner to decide if they wanted to continue the relationship.

If homosexuality is the wrong choice then it is up to the individual to make up there own mind and be treated as anybody else. With the dignity and respect they deserve.

Does God accept them? I do not know he has never told me and I never considered it question important enough to ask such a great man. Not that he would answer me anyway lol. Maybe I should speaking in tongues.

Just sick and tired of the hypocrisy spread behind the guise that they call worship.


First of all hootowl, i'd like to say that you are very brave to admit you are not a christian on a christian chat! :) so kudos to you!! That is something I certainly wouldn't have had the guts to do when I was a non christian so it's very admirable.

I hear you hootowl and you know what? you are absolutely correct. I found it difficult when I was a seeker to the religion as I looked at the christians not God. Although I am now a christian I made sure that I remember how I felt as a non christian. This is why I understand you clearly.

I focused on how we christians are hypocrites by living materalistic lives by having big houses, lots of money, cars, while there are people in Africa starving to death. Why not give up all our money and our lives and simply devote our lives to those poor hungry Africans? Yet they preach passages about how we should give to the poor and only last week they revamped the church with new stained glass windows!

I also focused on how the christians were judgmental to others. " Judge and you won't be judged yourselves" I hear them say, when they are judging myself by saying that passage anyway! I was so angry and I hated the christians, but I still went to church as I wanted to hear the truth.

I then found truth, from God. After years of painful reflection of myself he opened my eyes.
He made me realise that although christians are still sinners they are saved by grace alone. By loving and believing in Christ we will naturally want to be better and Christ will work in us to be healed. Even though we still sin, our purification will be complete when the time of Christ comes.

So instead on focusing on other christians I focused on Christ and my relationship with him. And now I have joined in with the spiritual battle of trying not to sin.

It's interesting to see that someone posted a passage from 1 corinthians to support the removal of a homosexual from a congregation. Yet only a few verses before that it explains that within a person is God's temple. Christ is a foundation and that each servant of Christ would help build the temple within a person. for we should " build with care" .We each place a brick of some sort and help build from the foundation, but what type of materials are we placing? Is it Gold, silver, bronze? or is it wood?

13 their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work. 14 If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward. 15 If it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved—even though only as one escaping through the flames.
16 Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?17 If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple.

What happens if an unrepentant walks into church and their temple is already being built? Yet we destroy the building through our words and actions?

I'm so glad no one affected the building of my temple even though I was a rebellion to the church.

I read the passage of removing a sinner from church as someone who is blatantly being there to destroy the atmosphere. Yet what if someone is sitting there and listening and slowly having their temple built?

After the passage about removal of church Paul criticised how weak we christians are within the spirit. Are we convicting others through our 'human wisdom' or God's wisdom? as he says. He criticises saying that we christians judge others yet we are sinful ourselves in many ways.

hootowl thank you for responding and I hope you get your answers from this forum. I hope to God that now I am a christian I can be 'strong in the spirit' even though I am a sinner like all :)

God bless
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Mar 2, 2013
Hi Greybeard

In answer to your question " is it prudent"

Yes I do. I find it hard to except what Christians do wrong is turned around and found acceptable. When so many have defiled the name of God while wearing the cloth. If the churches hide it then it is acceptable. If these people are allowed to continue in the same jobs till caught then the church finds it acceptable.

If a sinner wills a lot of money to the church it is found acceptable.

And I would like to point out there is one preaching out in this room about gays etc. Their very own church has been caught out in defilement of children to the point that very very young girls are being married off to very old men.
Yet they are preaching about homosexuality being wrong. That is found acceptable.

Do you realise what it does to a very young child having relations with a man before their body is fully grown?

Somebody pointed out that Homosexuality was Sodomy and a very big sin indeed. Now may I point out Sodomy was used as a grounds for birth control for years by Christians. Please do not shout about Catholic not being Christians you all worship the same God. The only difference really is they up hold Mary and you guys uphold Jesus. Same horse different Jockey.

So at one time the church did and still does condone Sodomy. It might not be your Church but a Church none the less both believing in the same person.

All I am actually asking is please do not condemn others when the same thing is being done in your own back yard.
And let me add Sodomy is still being practiced by a lot of Christian couples because plain and simply they like it.

You cannot do these things behind closed doors then come out and preach that those doing it in the open are sinning
They are being very honest.

When some people marry they marry in white (in the eyes of the church a virgin) yet they turn up with their children.
What is this called immaculate conception ? we are told God sees everything so lying in front of God is acceptable?

This is why I find standing up for the gays prudent and very acceptable but that is one good thing about this site, we can agree to differ.

You see Gray I have been around Christian Chat for years in rooms that most of you would never last in.
I know some if not all the different religions that come in here. You do not think I know the names not of the people themselves but the name the different denominations use for themselves.

Some of them change their colours in whatever room they are in. It is not unusual to find some laying down the law in Christian Chat and find them sitting in porn lol

Hoot Owl
Mar 2, 2013
Hi Jahsol ( hope spelt right)

I admire honesty a person who is honest is not denying what they are. Standing up to the plate so to speak. An honest person deserves my backing not much of it around.

Yes if a person is honest in front of their God then it would be found acceptable. Do not forget God is the father of all mankind. He cannot turn away his child for what he has not taught him can he ?

Now to address the engine driver and the oil rag.

It is called communication. If you tell somebody something and it is passed down through several avenues and written by 47 different people. That story gets distorted.
What the story first began as is very different to how it ends.

Removing the plank from our eyes means seeing what everybody is doing not just a chosen few. Please refer to my post on "Acceptable". The Church should remove the plank from it's own.
This is what I meant if rules are going to be laid. Be seen and lay the rules yourself do not leave the work to others.

People in Africa did not know the rules till the missionaries got to them and got them to change their views in exchange for other things. That is just a few.

So if God created everybody why just some and not others be told the rules as well ? this is a big world with a lot of different Gods. Are these people expected to change their life style because someone tells them it is wrong.
Remember they have their beliefs too.

Homosexuality was practiced in these countries long before Christianity came along. A lot of things are practiced in these countries that Churches say is sin.

If only one God and one set of rules why not everybody be entitled to know. If these people were not told, how can it be deemed a sin? your not guilty of something you had no knowledge of.

I am afraid it is different perceptions of different people so sin really does not count anyway. You have your God. and others have theirs. There is no way you will ever change that.

So even if a Homosexual becomes a Christian they are not going to change. You can change a persons life only to a certain extent but you will never change the person no matter how many times they are born again.

Hoot Owl



One person asks a simple question and off we go with the sin bit.

I am sorry I like gay people. They are governed by exactly the same rules as anybody else. Apart from the fact they sleep with the same sex which is their business. not unless others in here could be secretly interested, it seems to worry some of you a lot. " The gentleman doth protest too much"

I have had this out before. Gay people the real ones not Bi etc who have a choice, are born gay. For them to change is like trying to tell a dark skinned person to change the colour of their skin.

If you believe that God is the maker of man then he also made gays.

Why don't you pick on the swinger Christians or the Adulterer or lets face it the Godly men of the cloth who use children for their own desires. And which I may add is hidden by the churches.

It is not a sin to love. Yes I have heard of the saying "God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve" We were put on this earth to create blah blah blah.

So being barren is a sin too I take it. There you go if you cant have kids do not have sex it is a sin

Mathew told the multitudes no sin is greater than the other. I notice verses that are used against gays are only the ones that suit. Please remember condemnation is a sin have you forgotten " condemn not lest you be condemned" Oh yes I can also quote. So you too are sinning as much as any gay.

Get a life leave others alone at least gays are upfront with their sins how about others.

If God does not like it let him get off his throne get down here and tell the gays himself.

Personally I would rather have it from the engine driver than the oil rag

Hoot Owl
The woman was made for the man and the man was made for the woman. Man is not born for another man nor is a woman born for another woman. Man nor woman was born for adultery, nor for fornication, nor to have relations with animals of any kind, not even the angels of heaven. God does not have to get off his throne because he inspired throne words that we have written down as the scriptures and it is evident as to what they say on this subject. You are not going to convinced anyone against the truth that we have been given. We don't condemn them but we give them the gospel as we do others with the conviction of the Spirit and hope they respond to the grace of God and turn from their error and sin. You can't be a spirit filled Christian and practice sin without the conviction that it is error and sin. You may have a weakness in that area after you have been saved but God will continue with conviction until that area of life is conformed and transformed by his Spirit where a man becomes man and a woman becomes a woman in every way. Those unbelievers who have been given over to their sin and a reprobate mind are lost and unlikely will ever respond to grace and repent, so we must get to them before that happens. That is the scriptures and the mind of Christ which is witnessed in the believers heart because of the Spirit within.
Mar 2, 2013
Look this not about just the bible it is about how humans are. Everybody is different. You cannot program someone to think the way you do

If you think it is a sin so be it. But allow others to carry on their walk without having stones thrown

If they wish to go to church as a gay more power to their honesty. Your not gay why worry so much. I have never yet heard of a Gay being struck dead in church for his sexual orientation so if your God allows them in who are you to say different.

What your actually doing is trying to take away the right of a person to worship unless done Gods way. Let them worship in their own way.

If you feel compelled to spread the word fine do it but not to those who could not care either way and want to walk their road in peace.


Look this not about just the bible it is about how humans are. Everybody is different. You cannot program someone to think the way you do

If you think it is a sin so be it. But allow others to carry on their walk without having stones thrown

If they wish to go to church as a gay more power to their honesty. Your not gay why worry so much. I have never yet heard of a Gay being struck dead in church for his sexual orientation so if your God allows them in who are you to say different.

What your actually doing is trying to take away the right of a person to worship unless done Gods way. Let them worship in their own way.

If you feel compelled to spread the word fine do it but not to those who could not care either way and want to walk their road in peace.
We do not worship God in the flesh or in our own way, we worship God in the manner that He is seeking, in spirit and truth. Homosexuality and any sin of the flesh must be confessed as sin before God who is faithful and just to forgive and to cleanse that person of the unrighteousness of their sin. To practice any sin of the flesh is not the righteousness of God and to condone it is a grave and grevous error. If their is no conviction then there is no Spirit of grace to transform the person through the righteousness of God.
Mar 2, 2013
The world is changing get used to it. People are not scared to be who and what they are.
The churches are slowing dying out (like it or not) they had to close one church near me, nobody ever went.

More and more people have gays in their family it is not hidden anymore that is a good thing mothers have no problem in saying their son or daughter is Gay.
God is said to give unconditional love ( he actually does not that is another myth) so if this is true why put conditions on his children.
What a parent wants for their child is to grow up be good to others have integrity honesty and caring. If you can manage that you have not done a bad Job.

What makes you think your God the father of all humanity would not want the same. Every parent knows their children will grow up different from each other.

Your children are not condemned because of a difference. So Gays may not do the same things as the normal think it should be. But that is only in the bedroom between two consenting adults, they are not hurting another soul.

Makes me wonder what is normal sometimes Gays sleeping with their own sex or over zealous Christians trying to impose their views and will over others with threats of hell etc.

You guys seem to have the idea Gays are made out of some kind of plastic. If they do not suit melt them down and mold them into something else. You did not like that shape.

These are people we are talking about with feelings hopes and dreams possibly would love to live as people say they should but do not wish to lie to themselves or others while doing it.

But honestly I do not think I am getting through you have more chance of making me a Christian then a true Gay straight and trust me there is no chance of that.

Look lets go one step further and read about the actual sexual acts Gays do in the bedroom.

Christians do exactly the same thing couples experiment. Do you honestly think couples hold to the missionary position.
There are books on sex therapy read them.

All you really can come up with is Gays cannot have children. Fine nor can some couples that is why there are adoption agencies and fertility clinics and all those other ways.

So at the end of the day everybody is committing the same sin because the act is one of the things God does not like.
But the Christians will get up here preach about Gays doing immoral acts and go home and do it themselves

LETS HAVE MORE HONESTY AND LESS SCRIPTURE your bible lesson for the day.



I must ask, how would you draw the line for this person? How exactly would you disfellowship this person?
How would I do it personally? The line drawn will be if they will continue to be a slave to sin or a slave to Christ. We can't have both. If I was a church leader and it is obvious that they do not want to come out of their lifestyle, I would address the brother or sister in private and let them know that while I love them, it seems like their mind is made up on who they will serve. Their lifestyle goes against the Word of God and I must not let allow this to leaven the entire lump. The doors of the church will always be open to them whenever they are ready to accept the fullness of God but they have made their choice so I have to make mine. I would speak in love (although this sensitive generation probably would see this) but I will let them know that God word governs. They may or may not come back but if they are truly repent of their lifestyle, I can guarantee that they will understand. And this isn't just homosexuality. All unrepentant sin faces the same scrutiny. But then, you have to ask yourself, if they are members of a local church and still content in a sinful lifestyle, what are the getting from church?
Jul 25, 2013
LETS HAVE MORE HONESTY AND LESS SCRIPTURE your bible lesson for the day. /QUOTE HootOwl

LESS SCRIPTURE? This is a Christian Chat forum, don't talk so unintelligent.
Let me ask you, were you molested half of your childhood? If no, then SHUT YOUR VORTEX.
God tells me to love my enemies. Who is my enemy? Let's see. What is the Fifth Commandment say.
Thou shalt not kill.

What does this mean? We should fear and love God that WE DO NOT HURT NOR HARM OUR NEIGHBOR IN HIS BODY....
I have a real good reason to hate homos in my human sinful eyes. But I understand they are people who haven't mentally matured. They are sick. They need a healing doctor who is Christ.

They want equal rights. So much that they want there rights in our churches already. Alittle leaven leaveneth the whole lump.
God set the standards for equal rights, not man. They want to fit in with the saved but refuse to repent and be saved themselves.

I can only pray from the SCRIPTURE, THY KINGDOM COME THY WILL BE DONE, not the homos will.


The world is changing get used to it. People are not scared to be who and what they are.
The churches are slowing dying out (like it or not) they had to close one church near me, nobody ever went.

More and more people have gays in their family it is not hidden anymore that is a good thing mothers have no problem in saying their son or daughter is Gay.
God is said to give unconditional love ( he actually does not that is another myth) so if this is true why put conditions on his children.
What a parent wants for their child is to grow up be good to others have integrity honesty and caring. If you can manage that you have not done a bad Job.

What makes you think your God the father of all humanity would not want the same. Every parent knows their children will grow up different from each other.

Your children are not condemned because of a difference. So Gays may not do the same things as the normal think it should be. But that is only in the bedroom between two consenting adults, they are not hurting another soul.

Makes me wonder what is normal sometimes Gays sleeping with their own sex or over zealous Christians trying to impose their views and will over others with threats of hell etc.

You guys seem to have the idea Gays are made out of some kind of plastic. If they do not suit melt them down and mold them into something else. You did not like that shape.

These are people we are talking about with feelings hopes and dreams possibly would love to live as people say they should but do not wish to lie to themselves or others while doing it.

But honestly I do not think I am getting through you have more chance of making me a Christian then a true Gay straight and trust me there is no chance of that.

Look lets go one step further and read about the actual sexual acts Gays do in the bedroom.

Christians do exactly the same thing couples experiment. Do you honestly think couples hold to the missionary position.
There are books on sex therapy read them.

All you really can come up with is Gays cannot have children. Fine nor can some couples that is why there are adoption agencies and fertility clinics and all those other ways.

So at the end of the day everybody is committing the same sin because the act is one of the things God does not like.
But the Christians will get up here preach about Gays doing immoral acts and go home and do it themselves

LETS HAVE MORE HONESTY AND LESS SCRIPTURE your bible lesson for the day.

Hey Hoot,

This is a serious question that I'm about to ask you.....are you a Bible believing follower of Christ?

If so, you would understand that God doesn't change with the times. Guess what, more people are having babies out of wedlock nowadays? There are more people being murdered? So what? That is not a justification for any sin.

God's love is unconditional and there is no myth about that but because he is also just, that takes away from love? Do you have kids Hoot? I do and I place conditions on what they do because they are my kids. They can't do certain things, say certain things, etc. The same thing is like this Christian walk. God loves us and the Bible say that God showed his love by sending Christ to die for us while we were yet sinners ("pre" condition). So that totally contradicts where you were going with that. We have conditions because we are his but his love isn't determined on those conditions because he loved us before we accepted those conditions.

But I'm honestly trying to figure out why you are so stuck on the idea that you must be a zealot Christian to disagree with a lifestyle? I also disagree with those who lie, cheat, steal, kill, drink to get drunk, etc. I must be oozing zeal. [/s]. So I guess some people can't grasp the concept of the duality of action and person. God loves the sinner and so do I. God doesn't approve a sin and neither do I. See the difference hoot? I have family members who are addicted to drugs. I love them like I always have but I don't agree with nor condone their lifestyle. The Bible does not teach tolerance, and according to the Websters Thesaurus, they are not synonymous. So no, I will not agree with a sinful life but life Jesus with the woman caught in adultery, I do not condemn them.

Many people really don't look at the totally of that story. Many say "Jesus didn't judge her!!" Yes he did because he told her to go and sin no more. He judge her actions to be sinful but he did not condemn her. Funny how people also overlook the "sin no more" part of that entire story.

Here is honesty; the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin and I adhere to that. Because "times are changing" and the world accepts it doesn't dictate the ordinance of the Body of Christ. So instead of using straw man arguments about the individual, stick to ACTION of the individual.

Funny how the word bigotry is used to describe a person who doesn't agree with an act. The more sensitive people are, the more things stray away from its definition.
*/2nd SIDE NOTE*
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Senior Member
Oct 24, 2012
I'd be interested in hearing the people's views on agreeing that homosexuality is not considered a sin.

God through Christ came to this earth in the flesh and went to the cross for all. He did this for all, because none of anyone born after the flesh from the womb could ever be perfect 100%. And God wants perfection that no flesh can do.
So he sent his Son to be the propitiation for sin all sin.
1 John 2:2 and he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.
1 John 4:10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

So from God the Father's viewpoint how does he see sin through Son?
Colossians 1:22 in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight:

In your view of the above, seeing that Christ took away sin, what is your response to God in these facts?
Now all things are permissible, yet not all things are beneficial? You decide, is killing permissible? What would be the consequence? So it is the same for all, to decide in themselves what is good or not good, between God and them. For me I see adultery even in the mind just as bad as Homosexuality. Sin is sin no matter how big or small.
Please though whatever you do, refrain from harming anyone else if at all possible.
From the Love of God to you, begin the personal relationship between God and you and God will cause you to agree and stand in Faith with God, in god's type of Love as described in 1 Cor. 13

Oh and anything without Faith in the living God is sin
Corinthians 13:1-3Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
13 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. [SUP]2 [/SUP]And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. [SUP]3 [/SUP]And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.

If I do not have the Love of God I have nothing, no matter how good I might act
Love to you, Ask God, believe God, read the word asking God to reveal truth to you, that God plain and simple does just love us all. See that and anything that needs straightening out God will show you.
May 18, 2010
It is even clear what is sexual sin. The only obstruction is your personal view.


First off I want to say I appreciate your open-mindedness Kreation. Your testimony is very awe-inspiring. It has made you nonjudgmental and loving and more aware of the need for reaching out in church to those who need it. You shouldn't have to feel like you need to defend yourself for being willing to see another side of an issue. I will purposely avoid stating my beliefs on this subject as I feel other people have enough opinions for me. :)

I have a question though. Maybe just for Kreation but I wouldn't dream of posting this and not allowing other responses. Why I ask for opinions on this I'm not sure but it is maybe just curiosity. My question isn't so much about sexual acts. Is loving someone romantically of the same sex considered sin even if the person avoids being with that person for religious reasons? We focus so much on the sexual aspect of it.... and yes lust of all sorts is sin. We know this. We see its destruction. I'm not trying to stir a drama pot I really want to know what you think.

Hugs and love~ <3
Mar 2, 2013

No I am not a follower of Christ I am a follower of what I think is good and decent and standing up for those that are being down trodden made to feel that they are sub human because of the way they were born and feel.

I am sure God would prefer someone like me, other than those who grovel fawning at his feet so busy with singing praises and trying to impress their virtue they have no time for compassion. Actually I think he would find them boring.

Lets face it God must have a sense of humor or he would not have made us. We are a joke. We as humans are a scourge on the earth.

We do not wish people to be gay it is not our belief. Animals are killed or shunted out because we need the land. Why should animal live we as humans are far more important.

We want somebodies country for minerals etc we just plunder and kill. Never mind that they have wives and children too.
But the minerals and the riches we derive from them are far more important then a life.

We merrily go on our way forgetting the one we are supposed to be worshiping made all these things. I think that is testimony too?

And then we have the cheek to turn around and say "but we walk in Gods path". We have the audacity to tell a person they should not be Gay.

We should be more worried about what we are doing unto others before we worry how someone is leading their lives and not hurting anybody.

No one is trying to tell you not to agree with an act. But I am trying to tell you not to disagree with an act that somebody else does because it is not suited to your religious beliefs.

You have to understand that some believe in God but do it in their own way not your way. If a persons soul can justify that what they are doing is not offending God so be it.

You are not going to be answerable for their sin. And as nobody really knows what in the long run is going to offend God how can we tell them what he thinks is wrong.

I have said before all you have is testimony that is not good enough to make it a fact.

So I am sorry make a start on being holy by ending the wars that are mostly started by religion. Get out there on the battle fields and tell them do not fight it is a sin.

But cannot do that there is money at the end of it so we start on a minority group that we can bully

This is what gets me you keep jumping on people with testimony. Some look on God in other ways.

If you have children they can worship the ground you walk on. But that does not mean they are going to jump to your every word and order. They would soon tell you to get lost quick smart. It does not mean they do not love you if you keep bashing them with verse and telling them you are right and they are wrong they will possibly leave home. You drive them away.
People have to find out for themselves. That is what life is about learning ones lessons.

What are you going to do threaten them with some sort of destruction if they do not wish to listen? Or berate them with long words.
If God is a father don't you think he knows this? Why are these things there if not to be learned you can try and teach but you cannot walk their path for them. It is part and parcel of growing up.

I have no doubt whatsoever that if a law was made to shoot all Gays they would be dead. Why not it has been done before when they burnt witches also on testimony.

The reason I fight against your beliefs is because if there is a reckoning I have no fear of fronting God and telling him I did it my way.

you see I have faith, faith in myself. I do not need a group to back my beliefs or teachings from days gone by to hang on to if I die.

I was never born to fear God and have no fear of him. I have not asked him for any favors. I live my life according to my guidelines. I do not participate in the things I fight for but I will fight to the death for someones right to do them.

Just as long as it is only themselves they are hurting not another soul.

Maybe the world is excepting because with technology etc people are seeing other points of view instead of just the church

What is actually being done is stand over merchant tactics. If this sort of thing was done in a domestic situation you would be up for abuse. That is what brain washing is considered abusive behavior

Hoot Owl
Mar 2, 2013

The bible tells you to love one another. I do not agree giving love is a sin because same sex.
Think yourself lucky your capable of giving and receiving love. A lot of people cannot do that.
If it is a romantic love if the other person agrees do not sacrifice yourself your a long time dead. live love and be happy

The bible does not state one should live without love because they are different. In fact those that are different should be loved more and let God make the decision if right or wrong.

hoot owl