I can agree with you that I misunderstood your original statement
I still feel you misunderstand me
also Art please know there is a difference between me disagreeing with you and not being Christian
I feel like since I didn't agree with you, you are saying I sinned. It's kinda not nice to say that but maybe I misunderstand you saying you don't see me as a Christian because I think you are wrong.
You think I'm wrong and I don't question your Christianity. But I don't think that everyone who disagrees with you means they aren't Christians
Sorry I created this problem. I was offended by your original post here. If I misunderstood the post that does not change that I was offended.
When I say yes you saying no no is the same as me saying yes yes
this wasn't a Biblical discussion it was a discussion about your statement
if I misunderstood you fine but if I don't agree with you that doesn't mean I don't follow Christ
its like you have judged me because I think you are wrong
Caling me deceitful is offensive
I am sure you will say I shouldn't be offended and that I am just arguing
but I never lied or deceived anyone
I simply shared my opinions
sorry if I don't understand what you mean by deceitful which is possible
Last all I can do is
I have been kind to you in the past and will continue
I can't promise to always agree with you which is what it feels like you are asking me to do
Personally I don't think we communicate or understand each other
I stand by that teen pregnancy is not the girls fault. That guys and girls in sin do this. The girl can tempt the guy the guy can tempt the girl. Either can say no. I have even at my age had guys attempt to get me into this sin. I can refuse, which I have just like a guy can refuse
Sorry I so offended you. It was not my intentions.
I ask one thing accept my apology and don't assume I am wrong because I don't agree with you
if willing I will do the same in return
Please know I mean no disrespect but what you wrote that I'm replying to reads to me like you are saying I'm not Christian. That is hurtful if that's what you are saying. I spend all my time when not in school trying to serve God and if you my brother in Christ see me as I nonbeliever I have failed miserably in the only thing in this world that matters to me.
All that said I can't lie and say I agree with you when I don't. In the future if my opinions on a subject differ from yours I will keep them to myself.
the diecetful remark was uncalled for. I can be wrong and not be lying which is what it seems you said. That sense I'm wrong I deceived others.
sorry like I say in the future if I disagree with you I won't share it.