As I read and preach on, Jonah,Micah, Nahum, and Habakkuk I am seeing the relation of the 4 books, it is a complete story. as you said Nebuchadnezzar was a very prood man, big contrast to Habakkuk and the "just", the righteous in conduct, not in position only. , like habakkak ,who lived out his faith,, old Nebbie, got faith in the end ,by God's grace, power in his heart,.
Then, nebbie lived by faith.
Then, nebbie lived by faith.
He issued no decree to abolish the worship of idols, nor did he let the captives go home (Da 3:29),
nor did not renounce his sins (Da 4:30) as Daniel instructed (Da 4:27),
nor did he return the sacred vessels to the Temple, which allowed them to be desecrated by Belshazzar (Da 5:2).
So he had not the words which would have acquitted him (Mt 12:37).
You must learn the dual meaning of GRACE: POWER and MERCY.
Should you be learning the dual meanings of FAITH: SAVING and COUNTERFEIT (Mt 7:21-23)?