Well, for the believer in the Lord Jesus, it's all about both sensing that they are in the current of His will, rather than being about bodily functions, etc.
Which, of course, is exactly my point--that women should not be given expiration dates based on physical measures, as Biscuit is saying.
Biscuit, I wasn't referring to you personally about a man's challenges with function as they age, but I do appreciate your honesty and willingness to discuss the subject. I was just wondering what your spiritual beliefs are? And, if I only had a dollar for every time I heard that men seeking companions younger than their own children as "part of being a man"...
I just always wonder what God has to say. And yes, as I've said, I do understand different things, including ages, work for different people. Some younger women feel safe with older men. I don't. When I was 12, a teacher in his mid-20's was making "comments" to me, and that has forever tainted my perception of older men. For me, having an older man look at me in a romantic sense makes me feel like the victim of a pedophile, even though I'm now 40 years old. But yes, that's just me.
I'll admit, your posts have troubled me even more so than those of the men I see on the Christian dating boards. I haven't slept at all tonight, and mostly because I keep praying, "Lord, there's a 60-year-old man on CC who says women are no longer eligible or ideal for love and marriage by age 29, and that if they're REALLY blessed, they might be able to stretch it out to 35. Yet, he seems to be telling us what a catch he is and that he'd have no problems picking up a 25-year-old. And, this seems to be the way that many older men think today, even many who claim to be Christians. They say it's part of being a man... in other words... they're saying it's because of the way you made them.
Lord, I know you love these men and want them to be blessed.
But what do YOU have to say about the subject? Do you feel that women 'expire' by a certain age, as this man says? (And he's saying it as someone who believes he has authority because he says he's a counselor.)
According to this man, my time expired years ago and I am now 'damaged goods' with no turning back.
Lord, I'd really like to know what YOU have to say, rather than the opinions of society..."
Biscuit, I do appreciate your willingness to be honest. If nothing else, it drives a woman--even one who became disqualified for love a long time ago according to your standards--to draw closer to God.