It's not that easy man.
I've come to think that, maybe this is our "struggle" in life like a drug addicted person; but this seems to never end (I still have faith that God can change it), but Lord is just so hard. I've been looking for online testimonies and only have found about 1, 1! How is that people? Maybe if when other brothers succeed they are ashamed to admit it, seems reasonable, but what about if they are any? All I read is people that try to get it away, but never work.
And how can I try to be with a woman knowing I'm really not sexually -attracted to her? It's awful to her. I mean, I could try to be in a relationship, but at one moment the "fakeness" has to stop. I would waste her time / years/ love.
What makes you think you have to have sex at all? Puberty, is what controls flesh whether hetero-sexual or not. When one comes of age a need arises and one either ignoires this need and it never takes effect or they given into this need and it takes effect, unto eventually a trait in that person.
So see this please, a practice any practice of any kind of behavior, if practiced long enough becomes a habit. A habit long enough becomes a characteristic, and if long enough there a trait, and that person is stuck right there being 100% controlled by the belief of this trait in them
So if and when one tries to beleive differently and does not agree with what they have done or are drawn to do is difficult and not possible, because as one thinks to the flesh that they like by puberty in them only end up doing it over and over again, until they are sick of it and give up, settling with I am just this or that and can't please God
Now that the above is truth for all, whether they are gay or not. just a fact, that no flesh efforts please God ever, even if one can stop being gay or an alcoholic
Only Christ's flesh is the only one that ever pleased Father and ever will, bask in that for awhile and see in Thanksgiving and praise. Get busy with the finished work for you to not have to work to be right with Father
And stand in this truth by Faith
Colossians 1:21 Once you were
alienated from God
and were enemies in
your minds
because of your evil behavior.
Colossians 1:22 But now he has
reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present
you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation—
Colossians 1:23 if
you continue in your
established and firm,
and do not move from the hope held out
in the gospel. This is the gospel that
you heard
and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven,
and of which I, Paul, have become a servant.