You have it all backwards.
The question you should be asking is, What can I do to pay for my sin, so I can get to heaven. The answer is simple. without the shedding of blood there can be no forgiveness.
So are you going to shed your own blood to pay for your own sin? And would you shedding your own blood even be enough to pay for your own sin?
The question you should be asking is, What can I do to pay for my sin, so I can get to heaven. The answer is simple. without the shedding of blood there can be no forgiveness.
So are you going to shed your own blood to pay for your own sin? And would you shedding your own blood even be enough to pay for your own sin?
I need to ask, just as the Jews did in Acts 2:37, upon hearing the word of God "what must we do"?
This question is asking what must we do to be saved by Him?
Again your asking the wrong question.
The question is NOT is works done, The question is does one have true faith or mere belief. God determines the answer to this. and saves someone completely when he determines who has true faith Before one work is even done.
The question is NOT is works done, The question is does one have true faith or mere belief. God determines the answer to this. and saves someone completely when he determines who has true faith Before one work is even done.
So you're saying when one comes to Christ, God already knows if he is saved or not saved -okay. Then what factor does God base this on?
If God determines this individual has "mere belief" or "true faith" before any obedience (work) is done, then what is the determining factor that makes mere belief and true faith?
There has to be something? Otherwise none of us would know if we are saved or not.
You believe you are saved. So then you believe you have true faith and God determined that before you ever did anything. So what did God base that off of? What caused God to know you had true faith and not mere belief?
I believe one is saved by faith (true) and not by works. I also believe a licentious person will never be saved (mere belief vs true faith) Works do not enter the equation.
That is exactly what you saying. How do you not see this?
And my quote still stands.
If you add works of any kind, any type, and any amount to be saved, your trying to save yourself and have rejected the grace of God.
If by obedience to His commands (work) we show if we really love Him, then he is saying if we have no obedience we do not really love Him.
So do you believe we can go to heaven if we do not love him?
Of course you dont. So then if disobeying his commands shows we were never saved, then it is once again essential to salvation that we obey Him, to show we love Him and are saved - yes or no? <------Please address this even if you ignore everything else
You did not address my 3 points though. thats okay i would rather you explain what you just stated above. Because we need to know the determining factor between mere beleif and true faith and how it's already decided before we act.