True Brother Don, and it is mind boggling to read over this thread and see so clearly some of that blindness..that even plain English sometimes can't be comprehended, as demonstrated by this particular conversation:
Originally Posted by
I am pretty sure
no one here has been teaching that we are saved by works of the Law, but some are teaching that Lawlessness is what Christ came to bring...
..and the response:
Originally Posted by
hi john832.
Its disappointing to see your still preaching works of the law ( the ministry of condemnation/death, written and engraved in stones 2Cor 3:7.)
The Word says that satan has deceived the whole world, and also that we see as if darkly thru a glass. Possibly one of satan's great deceptions is the way Bibles are worded and that Hebrew doesn't translate well for reason of it being such a rich language, in that a single word conveys sentences rather than just a single best word choice of another language.
Law in the Word is better stated "instructions from God as to the best way to live" and no one here that I've seen is saying that the "law" saves!! Faith in Messiah saves!! and also that faith is not merely belief, faith has arms, legs, a voice, is what we live and do. It is following Messiah by word and deed and learning of Him, not resting on our laurels waiting to go to heaven.
What should be a sobering thought, is that Almighty knows our thoughts!! What is the heart's desire? To please Almighty? Or to find loop holes in His instructions? hmm it's a question that will at some point be answered, better sooner than later.
Best praise Him, what a great Father we have, so loving so kind and patient, and He desires mercy and not the blood of bulls and goats but has provided for us a lamb once and for all, and what response do we give? Thankfulness, and a desire to do His will to the best of our ability, ..or laziness in seeking His heart, His truth?