Isaiah 65:8 Thus saith the LORD, As the new wine is found in the cluster, and one saith, Destroy it not; for a blessing is in it: so will I do for my servants' sakes, that I may not destroy them all.
why would one say to destroy a grape vine?
i can only think, because the grapes are over-ripe, and not good for eating or fresh-squeezing.
those over-ripe grapes are already becoming wine as they are on the vine.
fermentation is God's natural means of preservative. can't we praise Him for that?
having a non-zero alcohol content doesn't make a beverage equivalent to rye whiskey in effect, and i don't think the Bible condemns alcohol, but it condemns using it as a weapon, idolizing it, abusing it, and calls drunkenness foolish, especially for people with authority and responsibility.
the teacher says it is for the brokenhearted, the impoverished and the hopeless, for solace and comfort:
Let beer be for those who are perishing,
wine for those who are in anguish!
Let them drink and forget their poverty
and remember their misery no more.
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly;
defend the rights of the poor and needy.
(Proverbs 31:6-9)
i think it's profound that this same teacher also says it's not good to be overwise.
we have a stronger comforter.
but i will speak up for the destitute, poor and needy and say don't begrudge them what they thank God for!
i can't say "it's OK to drink beer but only a very small amount while locked in your closet and never tell anyone that you do it because they might stumble" in good conscience at all, especially saying at the same time that Jesus couldn't possibly have made actual any-%-alcohol-whatsoever-wine because that would be wicked. why did Paul stand up to Peter and chew him out? because he was saying one thing to one crowd but not following through like he actually believed what he said. either alcohol is inherently evil or it's not.
no one here is advocating being a drunk. Christ wept over Jerusalem. do you think He considered Israel destitute? poor and needy? He is her shepherd & king, and He took care of her sick and hurting, and those who could not speak for themselves! the first recorded miracle He did was see someone who could not have been seen, and the second was to turn water into wine. this is the God who sees those who are alone, and who comforts the brokenhearted!!!
the best thing i've seen in this thread is what that same heartbroken sister of ours who took strong drink for solace tried to tell us, that it was not yet Jesus' time, so He did not give the guests His blood, but literal wine, a drink that can cause delusion, an example of His power and a type of blood, and this was just as the Lord had said through Isaiah that Israel should be blind and deaf for a time, so we gentiles could be shown grace.
His blood is the true wine, as He said, take, drink, this is my blood - as He said when it was His time to pour that blood out.
as His wine has power to relieve pain, anxiety and relax muscles, so His blood can take away all of our own pain, our fear, and give us real, everlasting peace! as wine ages, it becomes more powerful - and didn't our Lord say that those we who have not seen, but still believed are more blessed? is there a greater glory for the ones that receive His blood in the last days?
because we're busy disputing over words and trying to measure Jesus up to our puffed up propriety instead of praising Him we're missing joy!