Legalists always have trouble submitting to Scripture.
When works are the basis, very little makes sense, and contradictions run rampant in their reading of the Word.
Rather than trying to apologize for the Word, just submit to it: that it is the Word of God, and says what it means.
This theory of yours is an attempt to prop up the Word of God, because in your understanding it needs help, and cannot stand on it's own.
Does God need you to help Him out by adding to His Word, because it isn't clear enough?
Or do you need God to help you understand what is already clear in Scripture?
If you are having to insert meaning into the words on the page, then you are not submitting to the Word, but forcing it to submit to you, and your preconceived notions/dogmatic doctrines.
Jason, I really want to see you grow. This legalism is holding you back, preventing you from pressing forward from the foundation of repentance and dead works (read Hebrews 6 a few times).
You will likely see this rebuke as me placing myself above you, and over you as a judge: that is not the case. I see you stumbling over the same Stone that I stumbled over for several years. If you would allow yourself to be open, I would like to help you get through this.
I am not your enemy, but your brother. I want to see you grow in grace, rather than law.