Please tell me. How can somebody swerve from the faith if one believes they have a liberty in Christ to drink under the NT (Not the OT) and encourage others to abstain out of love (And not as a commandment)? How can one swerve from the faith if one teaches that the OT saint (Not the NT saint) could not eat unclean animals and drink strong drink (according to many many many verses that you are ignoring)? Does not drinking make one swerve from the faith? Does believing Jesus is good who made a pure freshly squeezed grape juice that didn't intoxicate people make one swerve from the faith?
On the contrary, we are warned not to make our brother to stumble by our drinking. Would not John 2 be a public "green light" approval on having drinking parties or in getting drunk? Would this not lead one to swerve from the faith? Would not ignoring or twisting verses in the OT on ignoring the dangers of alcohol make one to swerve from the faith?
You are a person who's been lead astray, Jason, and are attempting now to lead others astray.
Christ changed water to WINE (not grape juice) in Cana.
Christ changed WINE (not grape juice) into his own precious blood at the Last Supper.
Look also at Genesis 14:18:
"And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and
wine: and he was the priest of the most high God."
^ This is a foreshadowing of the Last Supper and Christ's sacrifice at Calvary, actually. Melchizedek offered WINE, not grape juice.
Maybe you're simply a recovering alcoholic who's demonization of all-things-alcohol has gone too far? Could it be?
Quit imposing your ridiculous beliefs on others, Jason.
You will have to answer for it.