No law means no need for judgement. In a world with no laws there would be no need for a courthouse and judge because no one can break any laws (there is non to break). With no law we don't need to stand before God, no need for judgement. We do stand before God and are judged, hopefully as righteous (perfect, law abiding, obeying the law without fault), because Jesus covers us with His perfect blood (perfectly law abiding) and counts us as righteous. Not by my works, i am not under the law because i am unrighteous, the consequences of breaking the law is death, but faith in the grace of Jesus makes us free from the law that condemns us. We are not under the law but i love to live like Jesus and keep the law, and i want to obey it not to be saved but because i have been saved (love response John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments). If the spirit that controlled Jesus controls me, i will obey the law.
Rom_4:15 Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression.
Rom_7:7 What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet.
Rom_7:9 For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died.
Rom_7:12 Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.
Rom_7:14 For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.[/QUOTE Those without law will be judged without the law and those that have the law will be judged by the law, Thank God in Christ we neither have not the law, nor are of the law but faith that works by love.