The colossal ignorance of most millennials I meet continues to astound me. Did she actually say that King James wrote the bible? Wow.
Obviously, she has not even an inkling of understanding regarding the history of the bible. She's historically ignorant and doesn't know that the Gospels were formally published by first and second century publishing companies and disseminated. Eusebius, Irenaeus, etc.. tell us the apostles "published their Gospels."
Irenaeus used the Greek term ekdosis, the standard term for the public dissemination of any writing. Similarly, Irenaeus wrote, "John, the disciple of the Lord, he who had leaned on his breast, also published (exedoke) the Gospel, while living at Ephesus in Asia." This term was used for the official publication of a book, the master copy (archetype) from which other copies of these biographical memoirs would be made.
I suppose we shouldn't be surprised that such intellectually ignorant people cannot fathom
why homosexuality is not a suitable replacement for heterosexuality and
how this is proven from either an atheistic reductive materialist viewpoint or a genuine orthodox Christian one.
Would it do any good to explain to them that their mixture of ignorance, deception, and feelings is wholly unable to change existing metaphysical objective reality which posits very real temporal and eternal consequences?
I had to laugh when she employed the shaming tactic. What ultimately meaningful and objectively true moral basis could she possibly appeal to for shaming moral people for not accepting immoral behaviors?
Lol, see the problem. Shame on her for remaining in her ignorance, deception, and choice of immorality over objective truth and God's holiness (note: I can say that from a position of objective truth which is ultimately meaningful).
King James did not write the bible...God had it written and God calls the sin of homosexuality an abomination.
I agree with God.